Managing SAN Devices and Multipathing in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: December 2014

General iSCSI Error Messages

This section describes the iSCSI messages that might be found in the /var/adm/messages file and potential solutions for recovery.

The message format is as follows:


Is either connection or session.


Is the object ID of the connection or session. This ID is unique for an OS instance.


Is a description of the condition.


These values are returned in an iSCSI login response as defined by RFC 3720.

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - Miscellaneous iSCSI initiator errors.

Cause: The device login failed due to some form of initiator error.

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - Initiator could not be successfully authenticated.

Cause: The device could not successfully authenticate the initiator.

Solution: If applicable, verify that the settings for CHAP names, CHAP passwords, or the RADIUS server are correct.

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - Initiator is not allowed access to the given target.

Cause: The device cannot allow the initiator access to the iSCSI target device.

Solution: Verify your initiator name and confirm that it is properly masked or provisioned by the storage device.

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - Requested ITN does not exist at this address.

Cause: The device does not provide access to the iSCSI target name (ITN) that you are requesting.

Solution: Verify that the initiator discovery information is specified properly and that the storage device is configured properly.

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - Requested ITN has been removed and no forwarding address is provided.

Cause: The device can no longer provide access to the iSCSI target name (ITN) that you are requesting.

Solution: Verify that the initiator discovery information has been specified properly and that the storage device has been configured properly.

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - Requested iSCSI version range is not supported by the target.

Cause: The initiator's iSCSI version is not supported by the storage device.

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - No more connections can be accepted on this Session ID (SSID).

Cause: The storage device cannot accept another connection for this initiator node to the iSCSI target device.

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - Missing parameters (e.g., iSCSI initiator and/or target name).

Cause: The storage device is reporting that the initiator or target name has not been properly specified.

Solution: Properly specify the iSCSI initiator or target name.

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - Target hardware or software error.

Cause: The storage device encountered a hardware or software error.

Solution: Consult the storage documentation, or contact the storage vendor for further assistance.

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - iSCSI service or target is not currently operational.

Cause: The storage device is currently not operational.

Solution: Consult the storage documentation, or contact the storage vendor for further assistance.

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - Target has insufficient session, connection or other resources.

Cause: The storage device has insufficient resources.

Solution: Consult the storage documentation, or contact the storage vendor for further assistance.

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - unable to initialize authentication

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - unable to set authentication

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - unable to set username

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - unable to set password

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - unable to set ipsec

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - unable to set remote authentication

Cause: The initiator was unable to initialize or set authentication properly.

Solution: Verify that your initiator settings for authentication are properly configured.

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - unable to make login pdu

Cause: The initiator was unable to make a login payload data unit (PDU) based on the initiator or storage device settings.

Solution: Try resetting any target login parameters or other nondefault settings.

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - failed to transfer login

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - failed to receive login response

Cause: The initiator failed to transfer or receive a login payload data unit (PDU) across the network connection.

Solution: Verify that the network connection is reachable.

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - received invalid login response (OP CODE)

Cause: The storage device has responded to a login with an unexpected response.

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - login failed to authenticate with target

Cause: The initiator was unable to authenticate the storage device.

Solution: Verify that your initiator settings for authentication are properly configured.

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - initiator name is required

Cause: An initiator name must be configured to perform all actions.

Solution: Verify that the initiator name is configured.

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - authentication receive failed

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - authentication transmit failed

Cause: The initiator was unable to transmit or receive authentication information.

Solution: Verify network connectivity with the storage device or the RADIUS server, as applicable.

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - login redirection invalid

Cause: The storage device attempted to redirect the initiator to an invalid destination.

Solution: Consult the storage documentation, or contact the storage vendor for further assistance.

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - target protocol group tag mismatch, expected <TPGT>, received <TPGT>

Cause: The initiator and target had a TPGT (target portal group tag) mismatch.

Solution: Verify your TPGT discovery settings on the initiator or the storage device.

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - can't accept PARAMETER in security stage

Cause: The device responded with an unsupported login parameter during the security phase of login.

Solution: The parameter name is noted for reference. Consult the storage documentation, or contact the storage vendor for further assistance.

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - HeaderDigest=CRC32 is required, can't accept VALUE

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - DataDigest=CRC32 is required, can't accept VALUE

Cause: The initiator is only configured to accept a HeaderDigest or DataDigest that is set to CRC32 for this target. The device returned the value of VALUE.

Solution: Verify that the initiator and device digest settings are compatible.

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - HeaderDigest=None is required, can't accept VALUE

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - DataDigest=None is required, can't accept VALUE

Cause: The initiator is only configured to accept a HeaderDigest or DataDigest that is set to NONE for this target. The device returned the value of VALUE.

Solution: Verify that the initiator and device digest settings are compatible.

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - can't accept PARAMETER

Cause: The initiator does not support this parameter.

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - can't accept MaxOutstandingR2T VALUE

Cause: The initiator does not accept MaxOutstandingR2T of the noted VALUE.

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - can't accept MaxConnections VALUE

Cause: The initiator does not accept the maximum connections of the noted VALUE.

iscsi connection(OID) login failed - can't accept ErrorRecoveryLevel VALUE

Cause: The initiator does not accept an error recovery level of the noted VALUE.

iscsi session(OID) NAME offline

Cause: All connections for this target NAME have been removed or have failed.

iscsi connection(OID) failure - unable to schedule enumeration

Cause: The initiator was unable to enumerate the LUNs on this target.

Solution: You can force LUN enumeration by running the devfsadm -i iscsi command. For more information, see devfsadm(1M).

iscsi connection(OID) unable to connect to target NAME (errno:ERRNO)

Cause: The initiator failed to establish a network connection.

Solution: For information about the specific ERRNO on the connection failure, see the /usr/include/sys/errno.h file.