SPARC Host KeySwitch State
Oracle ILOM provides a KeySwitch property that enables system
administrators to set the KeySwitch state for the host SPARC server.
The KeySwitch property is configurable from the Oracle ILOM CLI
or web interface. For further details about the KeySwitch configurable
property values, see the following table.
Table 75 KeySwitch State Property Values for Host SPARC Server
(keyswitch_state=) |
Normal |
Normal |Standby |Diag|Locked
Normal – The
SPARC server can power itself on and start the boot process.
Standby – The SPARC server is prevented
from powering on.
Diag – The SPARC server can power on and
use the Oracle ILOM default host diagnostic property values to provide fault
coverage. When enabled, this option overrides user-specified Oracle
ILOM diagnostic property values.
Locked – The SPARC server can power itself
on, however you are prohibited from updating flash devices or modify the
CLI property value set for /HOST send_break_action=break.
CLI Syntax for KeySwitch:
For single-server SP, type:
set /HOST
For multi-domain server SP, type:
set /Servers/PDomains/PDomain_n/HOST
keyswitch_state=normal|standby|diag|locked |