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Oracle® ILOM Administrator's Guide for Configuration and Maintenance Firmware Release 3.2.x

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Updated: November 2019

Setting SPARC Host State Capture

Oracle ILOM provides host state capture properties that enable system administrators to control the type of data captured if fatal errors occur. The captured data is stored in Oracle ILOM and is obtainable when a service snapshot is taken from Oracle ILOM. The host state capture properties are configurable from the Oracle ILOM CLI or web interface. For further details about the host state capture configurable property values, see the following table.

Table 78  Host State Capture Properties for SPARC Server
User Interface Configurable Target and User Role:
  • SP CLI: /Host/ (or, /Servers/PDomains/PDomain_n/Host)

  • Web: Host Management > Host Control

  • User Role: Admin (a) role (required to modify state capture properties)

State Capture on Error
enabled |disabled
That State Capture on Error property controls whether or not Oracle ILOM collects host state data upon detecting a fatal error on the host SPARC server.
CLI Syntax for State Capture on Error:
For SPARC single-server SP, type:
set /HOST state_capture_on_error=enabled|disabled
For SPARC multi-domain server SP, type:
set /Servers/PDomains/PDomains_n/HOST state_capture_on_error=enabled|disabled
State Capture Mode
redstate_scandump| fatal_scandump| default
The State Capture Mode property determines the type of data collected when an error occurs.
  • default - When an error occurs, only error register data is collected and saved to Oracle ILOM.

  • fatal Scandump - When a Fatal Reset error occurs, error register and scandump data is collected and saved to Oracle ILOM. For all other errors, only error register data is recorded.

  • redstate Scandump - When a Red State exception occurs, error register and scandump data is collected and saved to Oracle ILOM. For all other errors, only error register data is recorded.

CLI Syntax for State Capture Mode:
For SPARC single-server SP, type:
set /HOST state_capture_mode=fatal_scandump|default|redstate_scandump
For SPARC multi-domain server SP, type:
set /Servers/PDomains/PDomains_n/HOST state_capture_mode=fatal_scandump|default|redstate_scandump
State Capture Status
The State Capture Status property displays the current host capture state. Possible status states include:
  • Enabled = The State Capture on Error feature is enabled.

  • Disabled = The State Capture on Error feature is disabled.

  • Debug = The State Capture on Error debug feature is enabled.

    Note: The debug feature can only be set in the Oracle ILOM CLI and is used to run additional diagnostics when a host fatal error is encountered. The resulting output is saved to Oracle ILOM and available as part of a service snapshot

  • fatal-in-progress =The host has encountered a fatal error and its current state is being captured

  • debug-fatal-in-progress = The host has encountered a fatal error and the debug script is running. This status appears only when the debug feature is enabled in the Oracle ILOM CLI.

  • None = There is no status available when the host is powered off.

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