Set Advanced Power Capping Policy
Before You Begin
Oracle ILOM SP firmware
version 3.1.1 or later is required.
The Power Limit (power_limit)
property must be set on the server prior to setting the Power Capping
Policy. For details, see Set SP Power Target Limit Properties.
The Admin (a) role is required in Oracle ILOM to
modify the Advanced Power Capping Policy properties.
Note - An overly aggressive Soft Power Capping Policy might
produce an excessive amount of ILOM log entries that are related
to assertion and deassertion of the power budget status (/SYS/PWRBS)
sensor. To reduce these log entries shown in the ILOM log file,
consider increasing the properties for either the Power Target Limit
or Soft Cap Policy, or both.
This procedure provides both web and CLI SP instructions.
- To
set the SP Power Capping Policy, perform one of the following Oracle
ILOM interface procedures:
Web |
Click Power Management > Power Limit.
Enable one of the following Advanced Power Capping
Policy options:
Soft Cap (default) -
When enabled, the system power is capped only if the system power consumption
(Actual power) exceeds the target power limit and the user-configurable
grace period (default, 10 seconds).
System administrators can choose to accept the default grace
period of 10 seconds or modify the default grace period by clicking
Custom and entering the allowable grace period seconds (1 to 99999).
- or -
Hard Cap – When
enabled, the system power consumption is capped to keep the Peak
Permitted Power under the target power limit.
Enable one of the following Policy Violation Actions:
None (default) – When
enabled, no action is taken when the system power consumption violates the
Power Policy.
- or -
Hard Power Off – When
enabled, the system is immediately powered off when the system power
consumption violates the Power Policy.
Click Save to apply the changes. |
set a Soft Cap or Hard Cap value for the Power Capping Policy type:
set /SP/powermgmt/budget pendingtimelimit=default|integer
between 1 and 99999|0 commit_pending=true
default or integer
between 1 and 99999 is a Soft
Cap value – The power capping policy is set
to Soft Cap by default with a default time limit of 10 seconds.
When a Soft Cap value is set (default or 1 to 99999), the system
power is capped only if the system power consumption (Actual power) exceeds
the target power limit and the user-configurable timelimit property
(default, 10 seconds).
- or -
0 is a Hard
Cap value – When set to 0, the system power
consumption is capped to keep the Peak Permitted Power under the
target power limit.
To set a value for violation_actions,
set /SP/powermgmt/budget pendingviolation_actions=none|hardpoweroff commit_pending=true
none|hardpoweroff – Type none for
the system to take no action if the power policy is violated.Type hardpoweroff to
immediately power off the system if the system power consumption
violates the power policy.