The following procedure provides instructions for configuring and testing alert notifications using the Oracle ILOM CLI and web interface.
Before You Begin
For Email alert configurations, the SMTP server must be configured. If the SMTP server is not configured, Oracle ILOM will not be able to generate Email alerts. For configuration details, see Configure SMTP Client for Email Alerts.
For SNMP alert configurations, the property for SNMP sets must be enabled and at least one user account must be configured for SNMP. For configuration details, see Figure 40, Table 40, SNMP Configuration Properties.
Admin (a) role is required in Oracle ILOM to configure alert notification properties.
Click ILOM Administration > Notifications > Alerts, click an Alert ID, and then click Edit. Define the required properties (level, type, and destination) and then click Save.
For required and optional property details, see Figure 82, Table 82, Alert Notification Configuration Properties .
Type the following to set the required alert properties:
set /SP|CMM/alertmgmt/rules/n type=email|snmptrap|ipmipet destination=ip_address port=required_for_snmptrap level=minor|major|crticial|disable
For required and optional property details, see Figure 82, Table 82, Alert Notification Configuration Properties .
Click ILOM Administration > Notifications > Alerts, click a configured Alert ID, and then click Test Rule.
A successful or failed status message appears.
Type the following to test a configured alert notification:
set /SP|CMM/alertmgmt/rules/n testalert=true
A successful or failed status message appears.