Start Serial Console Redirection and Log In to Host Server OS
Before You Begin
Console (c)
role is required in Oracle ILOM to launch a serial redirection session to
the host server operating system.
Note - For Oracle's Sun servers supporting the Oracle ILOM
Remote System Console Plus client, the read-write and view-only
modes in an Oracle ILOM CLI host console (HOST/console)
session are determined by the serial-line redirection setting in
the Oracle ILOM Remote System Console Plus client window. For instance,
when full-control mode is enabled for serial-line redirection in
the Oracle ILOM Remote System Console Plus client window, all active
CLI host console sessions will be forced to view-only mode. To regain
read-write mode in the CLI host console session, the primary KVMS
user must relinquish full-control in the Oracle ILOM Remote System
Console Plus client window, and then restart session (by typing start -f /HOST/console).
Review Host Serial Console Log Properties. Also, for SPARC multi-domain servers, see
Figure 54, Table 54, Host Status History Log for SPARC PDomains .
Host server user credentials are required to access
the host operating system. Users should log out of the host operating
system prior to terminating the host redirection session from Oracle
Host console serial redirection sessions can be started from an Oracle ILOM SP CLI, or by
using the serial redirection mode available in the Oracle ILOM Remote System Console Plus.
Note -
Solaris users must use serial-redirection to access the Solaris Host Console, view Solaris
Host Console messages, or to issue Solaris Host Console commands such as boot commands. Video
redirection must not be used to access the Solaris Host Console, view Solaris Host Console messages,
or to issue Solaris Host Console commands such as boot commands.
- To
start a host serial redirection console from the Oracle ILOM SP
CLI, perform one of the following:
For single host server SP, type:
start /host/console
For multi-domain SPARC server SP, type:
A message appears prompting you to specify user credentials.
- Type the required user credentials
to access the host server operating system.
You are now logged in to the host server operating system
through the host serial console.
Note - To issue standard Oracle ILOM CLI commands, you must
first exit the host serial console.
- To terminate the host redirection
session, perform the following:
- Log out of the host
server operating system.
- To terminate the connection between
the host serial console and Oracle ILOM do one of the following:
- For x86 systems, press these keys
together: ESC and (
- For
SPARC systems, type #.
Note - To send a break to the host, press the Escape key and
type uppercase B.
Host Serial Console Log
Oracle ILOM provides a set of properties that enables system administrators to configure 1)
how the host serial console history log appears, and 2) which escape characters are
used to terminate the host serial console redirection session. For descriptions of
these properties, see the following tables (Figure 53, Table 53, Host Serial Console Log Properties or Figure 54, Table 54, Host Status History Log for SPARC PDomains )
Note - CLI paths for multi-domain servers are not specified
in the following Host Serial Console Log Properties table. For these
type of SPARC servers, append /Servers/PDomains/PDomain_n to
the start of the CLI paths described in the following table.
Table 53 Host Serial Console Log Properties
logging |
enabled |
Set the logging property to turn on or
turn off serial console history logging. If the logging property
is set to disabled, the show /HOST/console/history command will
return the following error:
failed. could not get console history
CLI Syntax for logging:
Single host server:
set /HOST/console logging=enabled|disabled
Multi-domain host server:
set /Servers/PDomain/PDomain_n/HOST/console
logging=enabled|disabled |
line_count |
0 |
Integer between
0 and 2048
Specify how many lines of the serial console history log to display.
A value of 0 instructs Oracle ILOM to display the entire history
CLI Syntax for line_count:
Single host server:
set /HOST/console line_count=0 to
Multi-domain host server:
set /Servers/PDomains/PDomain_n/HOST/console
line_count=0 to 2048 |
pause_count |
0 |
Integer between
0 and 2048
Specify how many lines of the serial console history log to display
at once. After the specified number of lines have been displayed,
Oracle ILOM will prompt you to continue:
press any key to continue or ???q' to quit
A value of 0 instructs Oracle ILOM to display the entire history
log at once.
CLI Syntax for pause_count:
set /HOST/console pause_count=0 to
2048 |
start_from |
end |
Set the start_from property to instruct
Oracle ILOM whether to display the serial console history log from
the beginning or from the end.
CLI Syntax for start_from:
Single host server:
set /HOST/console start_from=beginning|end
Multi-domain host server:
set /Servers/PDomains/PDomain_n/HOST/console
start_from=beginning|end |
escapechars |
#. |
Specify the escape characters used to
exit the console redirection session.
CLI Syntax for escapechars:
Single host server:
set /HOST/console escapechars=characters
Multi-domain host server:
set /Servers/PDomains/PDomain_n/HOST/console
Note - The escapechars property is only
available for SPARC systems. |
timestamp |
no (display is disabled) |
no (default_| yes To display timestamp entries in the console history log from an x86 server SP, set the
timestamp property to yes.
CLI Syntax for
set /HOST/console
Note -
The timestamp property is only
available on x86 servers as of firmware release 3.2.5 or
history |
N/A |
View host console log history.
CLI Syntax for
Single server:
show /HOST/console/history
Multi-domain server:
/Servers/PDomains/PDomain_n/HOST/console/history |
Table 54 Host Status History Log for SPARC PDomains
list |
N/A |
View host status history log for SPARC multi-domain servers.
Web: Click the More details... link
on the Status History page for a description of the status log
CLI Syntax to View Host Status History
/Servers/PDomains/PDomain_0/HOST/status_history/list |