Before You Begin
For Custom Lock Mode configurations, the custom key sequence must be defined on the host server operating system prior to setting the Custom Lock Mode option in Oracle ILOM.
The Console (c) role is required to modify the host lock properties in Oracle ILOM.
set /SP/services/kvms lockmode=windows|custom|disabled
If you set the Lock Mode property to Custom, proceed to Step 2. If you did not set the Lock Mode property to Custom and you are using the web interface, proceed to Step 3. Otherwise, you have completed the procedure.
Possible Custom Lock Modifiers Values: l_alt, r_alt, l_shift, r_shift, l_ctrl, r_ctrl, l_gui, r_gui
Up to four Custom Lock Modifiers values can be specified. Each modifier can be separated by a comma.
Possible Custom Lock Key Values: esc, end, tab, ins, del, home, enter, space, break, backspace, pg_up, pg_down, scrl_lck, sys_rq, num_plus, num_minus, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12, a-z, 0-9, !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, (, ), -, _, =, +, ?, |, ~, [, {, ], }, ;, :, <, ., >, /
See the Host Lock Configuration Example following this procedure.
If Shift+Control+Backspace was defined on the host server operating system as a custom lock key sequence, then the following KVMS lock properties would be set in the Oracle ILOM SP: