Perform this procedure to: (1) start the storage redirection service for the first time, and (2) register the 32-bit JDK Java plug-in with the Mozilla Firefox web browser.
Click Remote Control > Redirection > Launch Service.
A dialog box appears for opening the Jnlpgenerator-cli file.
Special Considerations:
If you choose to run the Jnlpgenerator-cli file instead of installing the file, subsequent users will need to start the storage redirection service from the Oracle ILOM web interface prior to using the Oracle ILOM Storage Redirection CLI console.
If you choose to run the Jnlpgenerator-cli file, and you select the check box for “Always perform this action when handling this file type,” the Jnlpgenerator-cli dialog box will become unavailable in the future and you will not be able to modify the default storage network port. Therefore, if in the future the default network port (2121) will need to be modified, you should not enable this check box.
Type the location of the installed Jnlpgenerator-cli file, followed by the javaws rconsole.jnlp command to start the service.
Example Syntax:
cd jnlp_file_location javaws rconsole.jnlp
In the Security Warning dialog box, click Run (or Yes) to start the service.
If the storage redirection service fails to start, an error message appears informing you of an error condition. If an error message did not appear, the service is started and is waiting for user input