Power Consumption Alert Notifications
Oracle ILOM provides configuration properties for power consumption
alert notifications. When the configuration properties are enabled,
configured email recipients receive alert notifications when the
system power exceeds the set threshold(s).
Power consumption thresholds and Email alert notifications
are configurable from the Oracle ILOM CLI or web interface.
For details about configuring an email alert notification,
see Configuring Alert Notifications.
For details about configuration properties for power notification
thresholds, see the following table.
Table 86 Power Consumption Notification Threshold Configuration Properties
Notification Threshold 1 and 2
(threshold1=n |threshold2=n) |
Disabled |
Disabled| Enabled
Disabled – When
disabled, the Notification Threshold property state and wattage
property value (0) are disabled.
Enabled – When enabled, the Notification
Threshold property state and the user-specified wattage property
value are configurable.
Specify a wattage threshold value between 1 and 65535.
Oracle ILOM generates an alert event if the power on the system exceeds
the set threshold. If an email alert recipient is configured, Oracle
ILOM also generates a power consumption email alert to the configured
CLI Syntax for Power Consumption
Notification Threshold
set /SP/CMM/powermgmt threshold1=<0
to 65535> threshold2=<0 to 65535>
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