account pages, Account Pages
age property, Extensions to the User Item Descriptor
application modules, Assembling Your EAR Files
asSeenIn item descriptor, Custom Item Descriptors in the Catalog Repository
asSeenIn property, Extensions to the Product Item Descriptor
ATG Business Control Center preview, ATG Business Control Center Preview
autoLogin property, Extensions to the User Item Descriptor
autosuggest, AutoSuggest
availability status, Availability Status


cartridge handlers
sorting the search results list, ResultsList
cartridges, Using Cartridges in Commerce Reference Store
content types, Content Types and Their Cartridges
custom cartridges, Cartridge Handlers Implemented in Commerce Reference Store, Configuration and Extensions for Existing Endeca Cartridges
hierarchy, Home Page, Browse Pages
JSP renderers, Experience Manager Configuration and JSP Renderers
cascading stylesheets
site-specific, Site-Specific Cascading Stylesheets
use in Commerce Reference Store, JavaScript and Cascading Stylesheets, Cascading Stylesheets (CSS)
catalog (see product catalog)
catalog item descriptor, Extensions to the Catalog Item Descriptor
catalog navigation, Tracking a Customer’s Catalog Navigation
CatalogCompetionService, Assigning Site IDs to Catalog Items
CatalogItemLink component, URLs for ATG-Driven Pages
CatalogMaintenanceService, Assigning Site IDs to Catalog Items
category item descriptor, Extensions to the Category Item Descriptor
feature, Extensions to the Category Item Descriptor
myFeature, Extensions to the Category Item Descriptor
relatedProducts, Extensions to the Category Item Descriptor
titleImage, Extensions to the Category Item Descriptor
categoryLastBrowsed property, Extensions to the User Item Descriptor
checkout process, Checkout Process
express checkout, Checkout Process
integration, Integrating Commerce Reference Store with Oracle Click-to-Call On Demand
JavaScript libraries, Inserting Calls to the Click-to-Call JavaScript Libraries
links, Inserting <div> Elements
clothing-sku item descriptor, Custom Item Descriptors in the Catalog Repository
color property, Custom Item Descriptors in the Catalog Repository
color/size picker, Product Detail Pages
ColorSizeDroplet servlet bean, Product Detail Pages
colorSwatch property, Custom Item Descriptors in the Catalog Repository
Commerce Reference Store
application modules, Assembling Your EAR Files
configuration, Configuring Commerce Reference Store
documentation, Commerce Reference Store Documentation
introduction to, Introduction, Getting Started
viewing storefronts, Viewing the Commerce Reference Store Storefronts
Commerce Service Center
integration, Running Commerce Service Center with Commerce Reference Store
disabling, Appendix B: Disabling Cookies
credit-card item descriptor, Extensions to the credit-card Item Descriptor
cross-site links, Cross-Site Links
cross-site search, Multisite Search


disabling cookies, Appendix B: Disabling Cookies
Dojo JavaScript library, JavaScript


gadgets, Gadgets
gender property, Extensions to the User Item Descriptor
gift lists, Product Lists
gift with purchase promotions, Commerce Reference Store Gift with Purchase Promotions
and the rich cart, Gift with Purchase and the Rich Cart
and the shopping cart, Gift with Purchase and the Shopping Cart
extensions to Commerce classes, Extensions to Commerce Gift with Purchase Classes
messaging, Promotion Messages
removing gifts from the cart, Removing Gifts from the Shopping Cart
StoreGiftWithPurchaseFormHandler, Extensions to Commerce Gift with Purchase Classes
StoreGiftWithPurchaseSelectionsDroplet, Extensions to Commerce Gift with Purchase Classes
StoreGWPManager, Extensions to Commerce Gift with Purchase Classes
gift wrap, Gift Wrap
giftWrapEligible property, Extensions to the SKU Item Descriptor
guided navigation, Search and Guided Navigation, Guided Navigation Implementation
displaying facet selections, Filtering by Price
Endeca-driven pages, Endeca-Driven Pages
sorting options, Sorting Options


HardgoodShipper component, Simulating Normal Order-Processing Behavior
historical navigation, Breadcrumb Trail
homeStoreNonNavigableProducts, Commerce Reference Store Master Catalogs
homeStoreRootCategory, Commerce Reference Store Master Catalogs


indexing for search, Indexing the Product Catalog
price data, Indexing Price Data
inspecting pages, Using Fluoroscope to Inspect Pages
internationalization, Running the International Module
determining a customer’s locale, Determining a Customer’s Locale
displayable string translations, Displayable String Translations
error message translations, Error Message Translations
International module, Running the International Module
localized pricing, Pricing and the Locale Property
repository item translations, Repository Item Translations
resource bundles for error messages, Error Message Translations
resource bundles for user messages, Displayable String Translations
site- and locale-specific images, Displaying Site and Locale-specific Images
site-specific cascading stylesheets, Site-Specific Cascading Stylesheets
inventory management, Inventory Management
availability status, Availability Status
InventoryManager component, Inventory Manager
ItemPricingEngine component, Pricing the Order
itemsBought property, Extensions to the User Item Descriptor


lastName property, Extensions to the User Item Descriptor
lastPurchaseDate property, Extensions to the User Item Descriptor
cross-site, Cross-Site Links


media-internal-text item descriptor, Extensions to the media-internal-text Item Descriptor
modules, Assembling Your EAR Files
multisite catalogs
indexing, Indexing the Product Catalog
multisite implementation, Multisite Support, Multisite Implementation
multisite search, Multisite Search
My Favorites, Product Lists
myFeature property, Extensions to the Category Item Descriptor


Oracle Recommendations
clickstream tracking code, Inserting Clickstream Tracking Code
filtering invalid products, Filtering Out Invalid Products
integration, Oracle Recommendations On Demand Integration
JavaScript library, Importing the Oracle Recommendations JavaScript Library
Oracle RightNow Knowledge
configuration, Configuring the Oracle RightNow Knowledge Integration
integration, Oracle RightNow Knowledge Cloud Service Integration
JavaScript library, Importing the Oracle RightNow JavaScript Library
knowledgebase widget, Embedding the Oracle RightNow Knowledge Widget in Pages
OrderPricingEngine component, Pricing the Order
orders, Order Handling
checkout process, Checkout Process
fulfillment, Fulfillment
gift wrap, Gift Wrap
history, Order History
nonreturnable, Nonreturnable Orders and Items
payment options, Payment Options
pricing, Pricing the Order
shipping options, Shipping Options
out of stock items, Back in Stock Emails


pages (see JSP pages)
payment options, Payment Options
preorderable items, Preorderable Customizations
preorderable property, Extensions to the Product Item Descriptor
preorderEndDate property, Extensions to the Product Item Descriptor
preview, Preview
ATG Business Control Center, ATG Business Control Center Preview
Endeca Experience Manager, Endeca Experience Manager Preview
features and limitations, Features and Limitations of Preview
price data
indexing, Indexing Price Data
price lists
list price, Commerce Reference Store Price Lists
rendering prices, Rendering Prices on the Product Detail Page
replacement for SKU-based pricing, Commerce Reference Store Price Lists
sale price, Commerce Reference Store Price Lists
priceList property, Setting Price List Properties on the User Profile
pricing orders, Pricing the Order
product catalog
assigning site IDs to catalog items, Assigning Site IDs to Catalog Items
cross-site related products, Cross-Site Related Products Catalog Data
custom item descriptors, Custom Item Descriptors in the Catalog Repository
extensions to the catalog item descriptor, Extensions to the Catalog Item Descriptor
extensions to the category item descriptor, Extensions to the Category Item Descriptor
extensions to the media-internal-text item descriptor, Extensions to the media-internal-text Item Descriptor
extensions to the product item descriptor, Extensions to the Product Item Descriptor
extensions to the SKU item descriptor, Extensions to the SKU Item Descriptor
homeStoreCatalog, Commerce Reference Store Master Catalogs
homeStoreNonNavigableProducts, Commerce Reference Store Master Catalogs
homeStoreRootCategory, Commerce Reference Store Master Catalogs
masterCatalog, Commerce Reference Store Master Catalogs
nonNavigableProducts, Commerce Reference Store Master Catalogs, Extensions to the Catalog Item Descriptor
rootNavigationCategory, Commerce Reference Store Master Catalogs, Extensions to the Catalog Item Descriptor
structure, Catalog Structure
product comparisons, Product Lists
product detail pages, Product Detail Pages
product item descriptor
asSeenIn, Extensions to the Product Item Descriptor
briefDescription, Extensions to the Product Item Descriptor
emailAFriendEnabled, Extensions to the Product Item Descriptor
features, Extensions to the Product Item Descriptor
new, Extensions to the Product Item Descriptor
nonShippableCountries, Extensions to the Product Item Descriptor
preorderable, Extensions to the Product Item Descriptor
preorderEndDate, Extensions to the Product Item Descriptor
shippableCountries, Extensions to the Product Item Descriptor
useInventoryForPreorder, Extensions to the Product Item Descriptor
ProductLookupItemLink component, URLs for ATG-Driven Pages
profile extensions, User Profile Extensions
custom item descriptors, Custom Item Descriptors in the Profile Repository
to the credit-card item descriptor, Extensions to the credit-card Item Descriptor
to the user item descriptor, Extensions to the User Item Descriptor
promotionalContent item descriptor, Custom Item Descriptors in the Catalog Repository
and stacking rules, Stacking Rules
evaluating, Evaluating Promotions
granting, Promotion Availability
messaging, Promotion Messages
notifying a customer about, Notifying a Customer of a Promotion
See also gift with purchase promotions, Evaluating Promotions


receivePromoEmail property, Extensions to the User Item Descriptor
recently viewed products, Recently Viewed Products
adding to recently viewed list, Adding Products to the Recently Viewed List
and siteScope setting, Adding Products to the Recently Viewed List, Filtering Products in the Recently Viewed List
and the PropertyManager component, Additional Support for Recently Viewed Products
and the StoreProfileFormHandler component, Additional Support for Recently Viewed Products
architecture, Recently Viewed Products Architecture
filtering the recently viewed list, Filtering Products in the Recently Viewed List
RecentlyViewedFilter component, Filtering Products in the Recently Viewed List
RecentlyViewedFilterDroplet component, Filtering Products in the Recently Viewed List
RecentlyViewedHistoryCollector component, Adding Products to the Recently Viewed List
recentlyViewedProduct item descriptor, Profile Extensions that Support the Recently Viewed List
recentlyViewedProducts property, Profile Extensions that Support the Recently Viewed List
RecentlyViewedTools component, Adding Products to the Recently Viewed List
rendering the Recently Viewed Products panel, Rendering the Recently Viewed Products Panel
RecentlyViewedFilter component, Filtering Products in the Recently Viewed List
RecentlyViewedFilterDroplet component, Filtering Products in the Recently Viewed List
RecentlyViewedHistoryCollector component, Adding Products to the Recently Viewed List
RecentlyViewedTools component, Adding Products to the Recently Viewed List
referralSource property, Extensions to the User Item Descriptor
refunds, Refunds
relatedProducts property, Extensions to the Category Item Descriptor
relevance ranking, Sorting Options
repository indexing
multisite catalogs, Indexing the Product Catalog
resource bundles
for error messages, Error Message Translations
for user messages, Displayable String Translations
ResultsList, ResultsList
returns, Returns
initiating, Initiating a Return
processing, Processing Returns
refunds, Refunds
rootNavigationCategory, Commerce Reference Store Master Catalogs, Extensions to the Catalog Item Descriptor


salePriceList property, Setting Price List Properties on the User Profile
sample catalog data
representative products, Representative Products
sample user data
customers with different billing and shipping addresses, Sample Customers
customers with secondary addresses, Sample Customers
order and returns, Sample Orders
pricing promotions, Sample Orders
sample customer login, Sample Customers
sample customers, Sample Customers
user segments, Sample User Segments
sample catalog data
homeStoreCatalog hierarchy, homeStoreCatalog Hierarchy
masterCatalog hierarchy, masterCatalog Hierarchy
scenarios, Using Targeters, Slots, and Scenarios to Personalize Content for Customers, Commerce Reference Store Scenarios
categoryPromotions, Scenarios That Provide Content
giveAbandonedOrderPromotion, Scenarios That Grant Promotions
GrantPromotions, Scenarios That Grant Promotions
HomeFeaturedProducts, Scenarios That Provide Content
OrderShipped, Scenarios That Confirm Orders and Shipment
ordersubmit, Scenarios That Confirm Orders and Shipment
that confirm order placement and shipping, Scenarios That Confirm Orders and Shipment
that grant promotions, Scenarios That Grant Promotions
that provide content, Scenarios That Provide Content
Theme, Scenarios That Provide Content
viewing, Commerce Reference Store Scenarios
search, Search and Guided Navigation
adjustments, Search Adjustments
autosuggest, AutoSuggest
cross-site, Multisite Search
Endeca-driven pages, Endeca-Driven Pages
guided navigation, Guided Navigation Implementation
indexing, Indexing the Product Catalog
keyword, Keyword Search Implementation
multisite, Multisite Search
Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Optimization
canonical URLs, Canonical Links
SEO tagging, SEO Tagging
sitemaps, Sitemaps
URL recoding, URLs for ATG-Driven Pages
search results, sorting, ResultsList
secondaryAddresses property, Extensions to the User Item Descriptor
SEO (see Search Engine Optimization)
SEO tagging, SEO Tagging
servlet beans
ColorSizeDroplet, Product Detail Pages
NewProductDroplet, Extensions to the Product Item Descriptor
ShippingRestrictionsDroplet, Extensions to the Product Item Descriptor
ShowGiftWrap, Extensions to the SKU Item Descriptor
SkuAvailabilityLookup, Inventory Information on Site Pages
WoodFinishDroplet, Product Detail Pages
shippableCountries property, Extensions to the Product Item Descriptor
shipping group
marking as fulfilled, Simulating Normal Order-Processing Behavior
shipping options, Shipping Options
shippingAddress property, Extensions to the User Item Descriptor
ShippingPricingEngine component, Pricing the Order
ShippingRestrictionsDroplet servlet bean, Extensions to the Product Item Descriptor
shopping cart, Shopping Cart
ShowGiftWrap servlet bean, Extensions to the SKU Item Descriptor
site configuration properties, Site Configuration Extensions
site navigation, Linking to Endeca-Driven Pages
sitemaps, Sitemaps
sites, Multisite Support, Multisite Implementation
size property, Custom Item Descriptors in the Catalog Repository
color, Custom Item Descriptors in the Catalog Repository
color swatches, Custom Item Descriptors in the Catalog Repository
making gift wrap eligible, Extensions to the SKU Item Descriptor
size, Custom Item Descriptors in the Catalog Repository
tax status, Extensions to the SKU Item Descriptor
SKU item descriptor
color, Custom Item Descriptors in the Catalog Repository
colorSwatch, Custom Item Descriptors in the Catalog Repository
giftWrapEligible, Extensions to the SKU Item Descriptor
size, Custom Item Descriptors in the Catalog Repository
taxStatus, Extensions to the SKU Item Descriptor
type, Extensions to the SKU Item Descriptor
SkuAvailabilityLookup servlet bean, Inventory Information on Site Pages
slots, Using Targeters, Slots, and Scenarios to Personalize Content for Customers, Commerce Reference Store Slots
sorting options, Sorting Options
relevance ranking, Sorting Options
stacking rules, Stacking Rules
messaging, Promotion Messages
store locator, Store Locator
StoreConfiguration component, StoreConfiguration Component


dropping ATG schemas, Re-assembling and Re-deploying an ATG Server Instance
URL recoding, URLs for ATG-Driven Pages
rendering URLs, URLs for ATG-Driven Pages
translating static URLs, URLs for ATG-Driven Pages
useInventoryForPreorder property, Extensions to the Product Item Descriptor
user item descriptor extensions
age, Extensions to the User Item Descriptor
autoLogin, Extensions to the User Item Descriptor
billingAddress, Extensions to the User Item Descriptor
categoryLastBrowsed, Extensions to the User Item Descriptor
email, Extensions to the User Item Descriptor
externalID, Extensions to the User Item Descriptor
firstName, Extensions to the User Item Descriptor
gender, Extensions to the User Item Descriptor
itemsBought, Extensions to the User Item Descriptor
lastName, Extensions to the User Item Descriptor
lastPurchaseDate, Extensions to the User Item Descriptor
numberOfOrders, Extensions to the User Item Descriptor
receivePromoEmail, Extensions to the User Item Descriptor
referralSource, Extensions to the User Item Descriptor
secondaryAddresses, Extensions to the User Item Descriptor
shippingAddress, Extensions to the User Item Descriptor
user segments, ATG User Segments
dynamic, Dynamic User Segments
implicit properties for, User Segment Implicit Properties
Men Only, Dynamic User Segments
simplistic, Simplistic User Segments
site-specific, Dynamic User Segments
ThirtySomethings, Dynamic User Segments
use in JSP pages, ATG User Segments in Commerce Reference Store JSP Pages
Women Only, Dynamic User Segments
Young, Dynamic User Segments


validators, Filters and Validators
Visual Merchandising
JSP tags, Tags for Visual Merchandising


WoodFinishDroplet servlet bean, Product Detail Pages

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