The handler for the HorizontalRecordSpotlight cartridge needs to return a set of product records that the renderer can use to render the product spotlights on the page. This functionality already exists in the /atg/endeca/assembler/cartridge/handler/RecordSpotlight cartridge handler, so the Store.Endeca.Asssembler module configures the HorizontalRecordSpotlight cartridge to use the RecordSpotlight handler in order to avoid redundant functionality. This configuration is specified in the NucleusAssemblerFactory.handlerMapping property:


The Store.Endeca.Assembler module also changes the class of the RecordSpotlight cartridge handler to, which is a subclass of com.endeca.infront.cartridge.RecordSpotlightHandler. The FilteringRecordSpotlightHandler class adds two properties, storeCartridgeTools (for specifying the StoreCartridgeTools component), and rangeFilterBuilders (for specifying an array of range filter builders). The configuration added by the Store.Endeca.Assembler module looks like this:


# Tools class to perform common cartridge specific tasks.

# Endeca RangeFilter list builders.
rangeFilterBuilders=\  /atg/endeca/assembler/cartridge/manager/filter/RecordSpotlightDateRangeFilterBuilder

See the Range Filtering section for information about range filter builders.

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