In Experience Manager, Commerce Reference Store defines a browse page, accessed via the /browse URL. The browse page has a single Endeca content slot for items of type Page. Commerce Reference Store configures this slot to get its content from the /content/Web/Web Browse Pages content folder, which contains three examples of Experience Manager-driven pages in this order:

All three pages use the same template, the TwoColumnPage template. However, the cartridges included in the three sections are slightly different for each page. The following sections provide more details on when each page is triggered and what the page contains.

Any mechanism that generates links for the browse page must use the /browse URL. (Note that a different URL is configured for the browse page for mobile applications.) Commerce Reference Store cartridge handlers use the /atg/endeca/assembler/cartridge/manager/DefaultActionPathProvider component provided with the ATG Platform to generate these links properly. See Controlling How Cartridges Generate URLs in the ATG-Endeca Integration Guide for more information on this component.

Category Page

The Category Page is triggered when the current query includes the CategoryOnly user segment. Commerce Reference Store adds the CategoryOnly user segment to the current query when the query is composed solely of a dimension value from the Category dimension, for example:

This illustration is described in the surrounding text.

Typically, this type of query occurs in one of the following ways:

In both cases, Commerce Reference Store detects that the query consists solely of a Category dimension value and adds the CategoryOnly user segment to the query, thereby triggering the Category Page to render.

The purpose of the Category Page is to allow a merchandiser to control the order of products in the product list on a category’s initial page using the Business Control Center and Visual Merchandising. Product ordering is possible on the Category Page because the cartridges that have been placed on it retrieve their content from ATG repositories, where the category and product configuration is stored. The Default Browse Page and the Style by Zhanna Brand Landing Page, on the other hand, retrieve their content (that is, search results) from the Oracle Endeca Commerce MDEX engine and take advantage of the engine’s guided navigation and search functionality.

It is important to note that, for each of the sections on the Category Page (ordered product list, recommended products, featured products), if no data exists, then the section is not rendered. For example, the Women category does not contain any products itself; all of the Women-related products are organized under sub-categories such as Shirts, Pants, and so on. Therefore, when the Women category is selected, the product list is empty and not rendered on the resulting Category Page. Also, some cartridges, such as HeaderBanner-ATGCategory and ProductSpotlight-ATGCategoryRelatedProducts, are specific to the Category Page. If you place these cartridges on a page other than the Category Page, their contents will not be rendered.

For information on how Commerce Reference Store determines if a request is for a Category Page, see Identifying Category Page Requests. For details on how Commerce Reference Store appends the CategoryOnly user segment to the query, see Tracking a Customer’s Catalog Navigation. For details on the individual cartridges that make up the Category Page, see Commerce Reference Store Cartridge Hierarchy.

Style by Zhanna Brand Landing Page

The Style by Zhanna Brand Landing Page is triggered when both of the following conditions are met:

Commerce Reference Store adds the NoPriceRange user segment to the current query when the query does not include any price range filtering. To understand the purpose of the NoPriceRange user segment, we must first consider that the Style by Zhanna Brand Landing Page is intended to be shown when only the Style by Zhanna dimension value is selected or the search term “Style by Zhanna” is entered. The existence of any other dimension values, search terms, or the Price range filter should disqualify a query as a match for this page. To satisfy this requirement, the “At this exact location” option is used when specifying the triggers for the page, as shown in this illustration that displays the configuration for the Style by Zhanna dimension value trigger (note that a similar configuration is specified for the Style by Zhanna search term trigger):

This illustration is described in the surrounding text.

The “At this exact location” setting is dimension value aware; in other words, when this option is set, a query must match the “At this exact location” trigger exactly, with no other dimension values specified, in order for the page to be triggered. For example, a query for [search terms] = Style by Zhanna is a match but a query for [search terms] = Style by Zhanna and Color = Red is not.

The “At this exact location” setting is not, however, range filter aware. Because the Price slider is implemented as a range filter, this means that Experience Manager would consider a query such as [search terms] = Style by Zhanna and Price = $15 to $25 to be a match. Since that is not the intention of the page, Commerce Reference Store implements some additional logic to prevent erroneous matching when the Price Range filter is included in the query. This additional logic allows Commerce Reference Store to detect if a query has a price range associated with it. If no price range exists, Commerce Reference Store adds the NoPriceRange user segment to the query. To circle back to our initial discussion of the Style by Zhanna Brand Landing Page conditions, this user segment must exist in the query in order for it to trigger the Style by Zhanna Brand Landing Page.

For details on how Commerce Reference Store determines if the NoPriceRange user segment should be appended to the query, see Adding the NoPriceRange User Segment. For details on the individual cartridges that make up the Style by Zhanna Brand Landing Page, see Commerce Reference Store Cartridge Hierarchy.

Default Browse Page

The Default Browse Page is triggered for all conditions other than those that trigger the Category Page or Style by Zhanna Brand Landing Page. For example:

For details on the individual cartridges that make up the Default Browse Page, see Commerce Reference Store Cartridge Hierarchy.

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