This section describes property additions and extensions for the user item descriptor.


The age property is a Commerce Reference Store-specific derived property calculated using the dateOfBirth property that is included in Commerce. This property is used by the ThirtySomethings and Young user segments to identify customers of a particular age. See User Segments for more details.


Commerce Reference Store sets the autoLogin property default to true. This enables the Commerce auto-login by profile feature, which allows registered customers to choose a “log me in automatically” option on your Web site. For more auto-login by profile information, see Tracking Registered Users in the Personalization Programming Guide.


The billingAddress property stores a customer’s default billing address in an item of type contactInfo. Commerce Reference Store extends the Commerce definition of billingAddress with a modification to the cascade attribute. This attribute indicates that when changes are made to a user item, appropriate changes should also automatically be made to the corresponding contactInfo item that stores the customer’s billing address. The cascade attribute is set to cascade="update,delete". The update setting updates the contactInfo item as needed, while delete deletes the contactInfo item if the parent user item is deleted.

Note: For more information on the cascade attribute, see Cascading Data Relationships in the Repository Guide.


categoryLastBrowsed is a Commerce Reference Store-specific property that stores the last category a customer looked at. For more information on how the categoryLastBrowsed is calculated, see Tracking a Customer’s Catalog Navigation in the Using Cartridges in Commerce Reference Store chapter.


Commerce Reference Store uses the email property to identify a customer during login. For this reason, Commerce Reference Store extends the email property by marking it as required.


externalID is a Commerce Reference Store-specific property that provides a location to store old customer IDs. The externalID property allows you to import customers from an existing site, and maintain and track their original IDs.


Commerce Reference Store extends the firstName property by marking it as required.


Commerce Reference Store extends the gender property by adding an unknown value for customers who have registered but have not provided a gender selection. Gender is not a required property in Commerce Reference Store.


itemsBought is a Commerce Reference Store-specific property in the form of a list that stores all the products a customer has purchased. itemsBought data is stored in a separate table, called crs_items_bought, with fields for user ID and SKU ID. Each time a customer submits an order in the store.war/checkout/gadgets/confirmControls.jsp gadget, the Nucleus component /atg/commerce/order/purchase/CommitOrderFormHandler updates the crs_items_bought table through a series of calls to two additional Commerce Reference Store-specific classes:


Commerce Reference Store extends the lastName property by marking it as required.


lastPurchaseDate is a Commerce Reference Store-specific property that stores the date of a customer’s last committed order. Each time a customer submits an order in the store.war/checkout/gadgets/confirmControls.jsp gadget, the Nucleus component /atg/commerce/order/purchase/CommitOrderFormHandler populates this property through a series of calls to two additional Commerce Reference Store-specific classes:


numberOfOrders is a Commerce Reference Store-specific property that tracks the number of orders a customer has placed. Each time a customer submits an order in the store.war/checkout/gadgets/confirmControls.jsp gadget, the Nucleus component /atg/commerce/order/purchase/CommitOrderFormHandler increments this property through a series of calls to two additional Commerce Reference Store-specific classes:


receivePromoEmail is a Commerce Reference Store-specific property that allows the customer to opt in or out of marketing e-mails. New customers can specify whether to opt in or out of emails while they are registering. These options are presented to new users by the store.war/myaccount/gadgets/registrationForm.jsp gadget, which is included by store.war/myaccount/registration.jsp. Existing customers can change their opt-in setting using the store.war/myaccount/accountProfileEdit.jsp page. Both pages call the /atg/store/profile/RegistrationFormHandler component, which is an instance of, and set the RegistrationFormHandler component’s emailOptIn property to either true or false. The StoreProfileFormHandler.updateReceiveEmailProperty() method then sets the receivePromoEmail property for the customer based on the value of the emailOptIn property.

The giveAbandonedOrderPromotion scenario uses the receivePromoEmail property to determine whether or not it should send an e-mail to the customer, notifying her that she has been granted the 10% Off Order promotion that is intended to encourage order completion. See Scenarios That Grant Promotions for more information on this promotion.


recentlyViewedProducts is a Commerce Reference Store-specific property that stores a list of recentlyViewedProduct items that correspond to the products a customer has most recently viewed. For registered customers, the recentlyViewedProducts list is stored with the customer’s profile. For anonymous users, the recentlyViewedProducts list is persisted in a transient profile for the length of the customer’s session only. If the customer subsequently logs in, the data is persisted in the customer’s profile as described in Additional Support for Recently Viewed Products.


referralSource is a Commerce Reference Store-specific property that stores the selection a customer made from a list of referral sources while filling out the registration form in the store.war/myaccount/gadgets/registrationForm.jsp gadget.

Commerce Reference Store referral choices are enumerated in userProfile.xml and include the following (the display string that appears in CRS Store is provided in parentheses):

The display strings that the storefronts use when rendering the referral sources are contained in the /atg/projects/store/web/ file in <ATG11dir>/CommerceReferenceStore/Store/EStore/lib/classes.jar.

Note: The display name for referralSource in the Business Control Center is “Where did you hear about us.”


The secondaryAddress property is a map of all of the items of type contactInfo that are associated with the customer (including the default shipping and billing addresses also referenced by the billingAddress and shippingAddress properties). Each contactInfo item contains a single address associated with the customer.


The shippingAddress property stores a customer’s default shipping address in an item of type contactInfo. Commerce Reference Store extends the Commerce definition of shippingAddress with a modification to the cascade attribute. In Commerce, the cascade attribute is set to cascade="insert,update". This setting causes a new, empty shipping address to be created for each newly registered user. Such empty addresses can cause issues when the customer selects a shipping address during checkout, however, so Commerce Reference Store changes the cascade attribute to cascade="".

Note: For more information on the cascade attribute, see Cascading Data Relationships in the Repository Guide.

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