The Commerce Reference Store deployment template includes the Dgidx flag, <run-aspell>true</run-aspell>, that enables the Aspell spelling mode that attempts to fix spelling errors. Also, two Dgraph flags are set. The first one, --dym_hthresh, determines how many search results must be returned before Did You Mean suggestions are provided. Commerce Reference Store sets this flag so that, if fewer than five search results are returned, Did You Mean suggestions are also returned. The second flag, --dym_nsug, limits the number of Did You Mean suggestions, in this case to three.

Note that these settings affect the search results returned by the MDEX regardless of whether or not the Search Adjustments cartridge is included on a page. It is the MDEX’s responsibility to modify the search results based on its own spelling and Did You Mean configuration settings, while it is the Search Adjustments cartridge’s responsibility to notify the shopper of any modifications the MDEX made to the search criteria in order to retrieve the current result set.

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