The ATG sitemap generator components create a sitemap index file named siteindex.xml and two sitemap files that it includes references to:

To generate productSitemap.xml, Commerce Reference Store includes the /atg/sitemap/ProductSitemapGenerator component, which is of class atg.commerce.sitemap.CatalogSitemapGenerator. (CatalogSitemapGenerator is a subclass of atg.sitemap.DynamicSitemapGenerator that adds logic for determining the catalog to use for a site.) ProductSitemapGenerator generates the entries in the SitemapRepository that are used to create the productSitemap.xml file.

In addition to the CatalogSitemapGenerator components, Commerce Reference Store includes the following sitemap-generation components, which are also found in the /atg/sitemap/ Nucleus folder:

Note that these components are not configured to create sitemaps for category pages or add entries for category page sitemaps to the siteindex.xml file. See the Configuring the Endeca Sitemap Generator section for information about creating sitemaps for category pages and adding them to sitemap index file.

Enabling Sitemap Generation

The components described above come preconfigured with most of the settings they need to generate and write out sitemaps for Commerce Reference Store. To enable sitemap generation, you need to set the warDir property of the SitemapGeneratorService component to the operating-system pathname of the deployed WAR file that the sitemap is generated for. For example:


The sitemap files are written to the top-level directory of the web application you specify. Once you set warDir, you can manually invoke sitemap generation in the Dynamo Server Admin. If you want sitemap generation to run automatically on a regular schedule, you must also set the schedule property of the SitemapGeneratorService and SitemapWriterService components. See the Core Dynamo Services chapter of the Platform Programming Guide for information about setting the schedule property of a schedulable service.

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