The store.war/cartridges/HorizontalRecordSpotlight/HorizontalRecordSpotlight.jsp page renders the content in the HorizontalRecordSpotlight content item. This content item contains a list of com.endeca.infront.cartridge.model.Record objects. Each Record object represents a product that has been returned by the handler and contains a Map called attributes that contains a value corresponding to the product.repositoryId key. HorizontalRecordSpotlight.jsp iterates over the list of Record objects, extracting the corresponding product.repositoryId values. After extracting the product.repositoryId values, HorizontalRecordSpotlight.jsp uses the /atg/commerce/catalog/ProductLookup component to retrieve the actual product items from the repository.

The “Featured Items” label that appears above the product spotlight row in the main content area, along with its translated versions, are stored in the StoreText repository in the horizontal_record_spotlightTitle item. The “See All” text and its translations are stored in the horizontal_record_spotlightSeeAllText item. Both may be edited in the Business Control Center.

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