Commerce Reference Store adds the NoPriceRange user segment to all requests that do not include a price range filter (this includes all requests, not just requests for the Style by Zhanna Brand Landing Page that uses the NoPriceRange user segment as a trigger). The process for adding the NoPriceRange user segment is very similar to the process for adding the CategoryOnly user segment. Specifically, Commerce Reference Store implements an /atg/endeca/assembler/cartridge/manager/PriceRangeNavigationStateProcessor component. This component implements the atg.endeca.assembler.navigation.NavigationStateProcessor interface and it determines whether the current request includes a price range filter. If it does not, the PriceRangeNavigationSateProcessor component modifies the current NavigationState object to include the NoPriceRange user segment. The /atg/endeca/assembler/cartridge/manager/NavigationStateBuilder component invokes the PriceRangeNavigationStateProcessor component as part of its process of modifying the NavigationState object as needed for each request.

For more details on the NavigationStateBuilder component and how it works, see Tracking a Customer’s Catalog Navigation.

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