You must view Commerce Reference Store slots using the ATG Control Center (ACC). Slots are not viewable in the Business Control Center (BCC).

Note: This section is referring to ATG slots that are configured in the ATG Control Center, not to be confused with Endeca slots that are configured in Experience Manager.

To view Commerce Reference Store slots:

Commerce Reference Store slots are configured so that, when a customer views a page that contains a slot, the slot requests content, thereby initiating a scenario. In the ATG Control Center, this behavior is controlled by setting the Event Generation option to When Empty (that is, the slot is empty and requires content). Note that this is not the default configuration for slots. For more details, see Using Slots in the Personalization Programming Guide.

Because slots are intimately tied to scenarios, we refrain from discussing them as individual entities here. For details on a given slot, refer to its related scenario, provided in the table below.


Related Scenario











Note that the first four slots in this table are referenced by cartridges on the Experience Manager-driven pages included with Commerce Reference Store. Specifically, the Category Page and the Default Browse Page each include two instances of the PromotionalContent-ATGSlot cartridge. The first cartridge instance references the CategoryPromotionalContent1 slot, while the second instance references the CategoryPromotionContent2 slot. Similarly, the Default Home Page includes an instance of the ScrollableProductSpotlight-ATGSlot cartridge, which references the FeaturedProducts slot, and the ScrollablePromotionalContent-ATGSlot cartridge, which references the HomeTheme slot. For more details, see the Using Cartridges in Commerce Reference Store chapter.

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