It is important to note that the Category dimension value filtering described in this section occurs after the MDEX has returned the dimension values and, possibly, a More link if one has been configured for the cartridge. This creates the potential for a situation where all the returned dimension values are filtered out and only the More link gets rendered. Additionally, the More link itself may or may not be usable, depending on whether the dimension values that were identified as “More” dimension values are also filtered out. For this reason, it is important to consider whether or not configuring a More link is appropriate if you are using the extended version of the RefinementMenu cartridge to render the Category dimension values. Configuring a More link is safe if your application does not use multisite and has a single catalog for all shoppers. Also, if you use multisite but have a separate MDEX for each site, the More link is safe as long as all of the records in each MDEX come from the same catalog.

Note that Commerce Reference Store, which uses a single MDEX to support multiple sites, does not configure a More link for its Category dimension because of the potential for filtering issues.

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