In Experience Manager, Commerce Reference Store defines a home page, accessed via the /home URL. The home page renders an introductory page for the CRS Store and CRS Home storefronts that includes a scrolling banner with a store-specific image and a scrolling set of featured products.

The home page has a single Endeca content slot for items of type Page. Commerce Reference Store configures this slot to get its content from the /content/Web/Home Pages content folder, which contains a single page item called Default Home Page that is returned for all requests. The Default Home Page uses the OneColumnPage template to structure its contents. For details on the individual cartridges that make up the Default Home Page, see Commerce Reference Store Cartridge Hierarchy.

As an alternative to the /home URL, the store.war/index.jsp page is also coded so that it accesses the home page. The index.jsp page invokes the /atg/endeca/assembler/droplet/InvokeAssembler servlet bean and passes in the /content/Web/Home Pages content folder. The content folder, as described earlier, returns its only item, Default Home Page, in response to this request. The index.jsp page then uses the dsp:renderContentItem tag to render the content of the Default Home Page.

<dsp:droplet name="InvokeAssembler">
  <dsp:param name="contentCollection" value="/content/Web/Home Pages"/>
  <dsp:oparam name="output">
    <dsp:getvalueof var="homePageContent"
                    param="contentItem" />

<c:if test="${not empty homePageContent}">
  <dsp:renderContentItem contentItem="${homePageContent}" />

Note that, as defined in store.war/web.xml, requests to the context root are redirected to the index.jsp page. Because Commerce Reference Store uses virtual context roots, this means that a number of URLs redirect the customer to the index.jsp page. Specifically, the /crs context root redirects to index.jsp as do these virtual context roots:

  • /crs/storeus

  • /crs/storede

  • /crs/homeus

Note: For details on the InvokeAssembler servlet bean and the dsp:renderContentItem tag, see the ATG-Endeca Integration Guide. For details on Commerce Reference Store’s use of virtual context roots, see URL Strategy.

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