Adding a new module requires some additional steps, outlined below.

To add a new module to Commerce Reference Store:

  1. Create the module’s directory. If the new module will be a child of an existing module, create its directory inside the parent module’s directory. For example, to create a Store.NewModule module, create a NewModule directory under <ATG11dir>/CommerceReferenceStore/Store/. This directory should contain any source Java and/or configuration files as well as a META-INF directory that contains a file for the new module (see the Platform Programming Guide for information on creating a MANIFEST.MF file).

  2. Write a build.xml file for the module. Make sure the build.xml file imports common.xml. Also, if you need to override any of the targets defined in common.xml, define those overrides in this build file.

  3. Edit the file of the new module’s parent to add the new module’s build.xml file to the property. Assuming that the new module is a sub-module of the root Store module, the path would look similar to this:

  4. Write a file for the module. This file must specify the module’s:

    • Name ( property)

    • Parent (module.parent property)

    • Installation directory (install.dir property)

    Optionally, you may also want to specify:

    • The build files for any child modules ( property)

    • A module-specific class path that references other Commerce Reference Store modules required to build the module (classpath property).

    • A module-specific class path that references any third-party libraries required to build the module (lib.classpath property)

    • Any custom properties required for the module’s build project.

  5. Build the module using the ant all command. See Building a Commerce Reference Store Module and its Sub-Modules for detailed instructions.

  6. After building the new module, you must stop and remove the affected ATG server instances and then re-assemble and re-deploy them. See Re-assembling and Re-deploying an ATG Server Instance for detailed information on this step.

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