After you have modified or added a module, you must remove the affected ATG server instance from your application server, and then re-assemble and re-deploy it, typically using CIM. You only need to re-assemble and re-deploy the server instance that is affected by your module change. If you are modifying an existing module, you can refer to Assembling Your EAR Files to see which modules are included in the Publishing server instance and which are included in Production.

Removing the ATG Server Instance

To remove the affected ATG server instance, follow the instructions in Stopping the ATG Servers and Removing ATG Artifacts in the Commerce Reference Store Installation and Configuration Guide. Follow the instructions in this section only and do not continue with the Dropping the ATG Schemas section. Dropping schemas is not necessary when adding or modifying a module.

Reconfigure the ATG Server Instance to Include the New Module

If you have created a new module, you must add that module to the ATG server instance, following the instructions below. Note that this step is not necessary if you are only modifying an existing Commerce Reference Store module.

To add a new module in CIM:

  1. In a UNIX shell or command prompt, run CIM. For detailed instructions, see Starting CIM in the Commerce Reference Store Installation and Configuration Guide.

  2. In the CIM MAIN MENU, select [2] Server Instance Configuration – Done.

  3. In the SEVER INSTANCE TYPE SELECTION menu, choose the server instance you need to add the module to.

  4. In the SERVER INSTANCE TYPE CONFIGURATION menu, choose [C] Modify Calculated Module List – OPTIONAL.

  5. In the MODULE LIST EDITOR OPTIONS menu, choose [A] Add A Custom Module.

    Note: The MODULE LIST EDITOR OPTIONS menu is also where the [R] Remove A Custom Module option exists, should you ever need to remove a module you have manually added.

  6. In the ADD A MODULE menu, enter the name of the module you want to add, for example, to add a NewModule module that is a peer of the Store.EStore module, enter the name Store.NewModule.

  7. Enter the number that corresponds to the location where the new module should appear in the ordered list of modules.

  8. In the MODULE LIST EDITOR OPTIONS menu, you see the current module list, with your new module added in the location you specified.

  9. Select [D] Done.

  10. In the SERVER INSTANCE TYPE CONFIGURATION menu, select [O] Configure Another Server Instance Type.

  11. In the SERVER INSTANCE TYPE SELECTION menu, select [D] Done to return to the CIM main menu, in preparation for re-assembling and re-deploying the server instance.

  12. If your new module requires database changes, create sql scripts for those changes and run them manually.

Note: It is possible to update CIM to automatically include your new module and make any required database changes, avoiding the manual steps described in this section. These tasks require writing a product definition file, product.xml, and a database script, dbinit.xml, for the module. For details on creating these files and incorporating them in CIM, see the CIM Developer's Guide.

Re-assemble and Re-deploy the ATG Server Instance

To re-assemble and re-deploy your server instance, follow the instructions in the Assembling and Deploying Your ATG Applications section of the Commerce Reference Store Installation and Configuration Guide. After the server instance is re-deployed, you can restart it using the instructions in the Starting the Publishing and Production Servers section of the Commerce Reference Store Installation and Configuration Guide.

Note: If your new module has an impact on the assets that are managed by ATG Content Administration or on the data that is indexed in the MDEX engine, you may also need to run a Content Administration deployment and/or start a baseline index. Instructions for these tasks are provided in the Commerce Reference Store Installation and Configuration Guide.

Verifying That Your New Module is Running

You can use ATG Dynamo Server Admin to verify that your new module is running. Follow the instructions in Browsing the Publishing and Production Servers of the Commerce Reference Store Installation and Configuration Guide to start ATG Dynamo Server Admin for the appropriate server. On the ATG Dynamo Server Admin home page, click the Running ATG Products link. Verify that your module exists in the running modules list.

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