Commerce Reference Store has three content types that correspond to the sections of the OneColumnPage and TwoColumnPage templates: HeaderContent, SecondaryContent, and MainContent. The lists below show the cartridges that exist for each content type. Asterisks mark the cartridges that are custom built for the ATG platform. The other cartridges are included with the Endeca platform.

HeaderContent cartridges include:

SecondaryContent cartridges include:

MainContent cartridges include:

In addition to the content types listed above, Commerce Reference Store has several content types that support the search box and auto-suggest functionality. There is only one cartridge associated with each of these content types, as shown in the table below. Commerce Reference Store uses these cartridges when it renders the search box and the optional auto-suggest panel that appears in the header on each page. See the SearchBox, AutoSuggestPanel, and DimensionSearchAutoSuggestItem sections later in this chapter for more details.

Content Type








Note that Commerce Reference Store defines more cartridges than it actually uses. Specifically, Commerce Reference Store defines the PromotionalContent-ATGTargeter, ProductSpotlight-ATGSlot, ProductSpotlight-ATGTargeter, and ProductSpotlight-ATGCategoryRelatedProducts cartridges but it does not use them on its pages out of the box. These cartridges are provided for the convenience of developers who use Commerce Reference Store as a starting point for their own custom development.

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