Oracle® InfiniBand Switch IS2-46 Installation Guide

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Updated: September 2016

Connect the PrizmMT Cables

Note -  PrizmMT receptacles labeled 1 through 26 are for 4x magenta-colored housing PrizmMT cables. PrizmMT receptacles labeled 27 through 30 are for 12x black-colored housing PrizmMT cables.
  1. Identify the prerequisite and subsequent installation tasks that you must perform in conjunction with this task.

    See Installation Task Overview.

  2. Remove any filler plug (if installed) from the PrizmMT receptacle where you are installing the cable and visually inspect the receptacle.

    The receptacle should be clean and free of dirt or debris.

  3. If the receptacle is dirty, clean it.
    1. Remove the adapter from the end of the PrizmMT cleaner.
    2. Insert the cleaner tip into the receptacle.
    3. Pump the cleaner into the receptacle, advancing the cleaning cloth inside.
    4. Remove the cleaner from the receptacle and verify cleanliness.
    5. Repeat from Step 2 if the fibers are still dirty.
    6. Replace the adapter onto the end of the PrizmMT cleaner.
  4. Remove the protective cap from the cable connector and visually inspect the connector.

    The connector should be clean and free of dirt or debris.

  5. If the connector is dirty, clean it.
    1. Open the lid of the adapter on the end of the PrizmMT cleaner.
    2. Insert the connector into the adapter.
    3. Press the connector against the adapter, thereby pumping the cleaner, and advancing the cleaning cloth inside.
    4. Remove the connector from the adapter and verify cleanliness.
    5. Repeat from Step 8 if the fibers are still dirty.
    6. Close the lid of the adapter on the end of the PrizmMT cleaner.
  6. Align the PrizmMT connector to where it will connect.
    image:The illustration shows connecting the PrizmMT cable.
  7. Firmly press the PrizmMT connector into the receptacle until you feel a detent.
  8. Lay the cable into a slot on the CMB.
  9. Repeat Step 2 through Step 8 for each cable to be connected.
  10. Consider your next task.

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