Oracle® InfiniBand Switch IS2-46 Installation Guide

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Updated: September 2016

Verify That the Switch Is Operational

  1. Identify the prerequisite and subsequent installation tasks that you must perform in conjunction with this task.

    See Installation Task Overview.

  2. Access the Oracle ILOM CLI.

    See Log In to the SP (SER MGT) or Log In to the SP (Network Management).

  3. Check the health of the switch.
    -> show /System -t health
    Target                                       | Property  | Value
    /System                                      | health    | OK
    /System/Power                                | health    | OK
    /System/Power/Power_Supplies/Power_Supply_0  | health    | OK
    /System/Power/Power_Supplies/Power_Supply_1  | health    | OK
    /System/Cooling                              | health    | OK
    /System/Cooling/Fans/Fan_0                   | health    | OK
    /System/Cooling/Fans/Fan_1                   | health    | OK
    /System/Cooling/Fans/Fan_2                   | health    | OK
    /System/Cooling/Fans/Fan_3                   | health    | OK
    /System/Cooling/Fans/Fan_4                   | health    | OK
    /System/Cooling/Fans/Fan_5                   | health    | OK
    /System/Cooling/Fans/Fan_6                   | health    | OK
    /System/Cooling/Fans/Fan_7                   | health    | OK
    /System/Networking                           | health    | OK
    /System/Networking/Switches/Switch_0         | health    | OK
    /System/Networking/Switches/Switch_1         | health    | OK
  4. If any target has a health value other than OK, investigate why.

    Refer to Switch Service, detecting and managing faults.

  5. Identify any open problems.
    -> show /System/Open_Problems
    Open Problems (0)
    Date/Time                 Subsystems          Component
    ------------------------  ------------------  ------------
  6. If any open problems are discovered, investigate the problem.

    Refer to Switch Service, detecting and managing faults.

  7. Verify the switch's connectivity to the IB fabric and Ethernet network.

    See Verify Connectivity.

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