Oracle® InfiniBand Switch IS2-46 Installation Guide

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Updated: September 2016

Log In to the SP (Network Management)

  1. Identify the prerequisite and subsequent installation tasks that you must perform in conjunction with this task.

    See Installation Task Overview.

  2. Open an SSH session and connect to the SP by specifying the IP address you previously configured.

    For example, type:

    % ssh -l root IP_address
    password: password

    where IP_address is the IP address of the SP. Initially, the password is changeme.

    Note -  You can change the password at a later time. Refer to the Oracle EDR InfiniBand Switch and Virtualized I/O Systems Administration Guide, changing the root user password for instructions.

    The Oracle ILOM shell prompt (->) is displayed.

  3. Consider your next steps.
    • If you have DHCP-assigned addresses, verify the switch installation.

      See Verify LED Status.

    • If you have a full-time SER MGT connection, verify the switch installation.

      See Verify LED Status.

    • If your SER MGT connection is only temporary, disconnect the SER MGT cable and install the air duct assembly.

      See Install the Air Duct Assembly.

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