Oracle® InfiniBand Switch IS2-46 Installation Guide

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Updated: September 2016

Assign a Static IP Address to the SCP

The switch ships with DHCP IP address assignment for the SCP.

  1. Identify the prerequisite and subsequent installation tasks that you must perform in conjunction with this task.

    See Installation Task Overview.

  2. Access the Oracle ILOM CLI.

    See Log In to the SP (SER MGT) or Log In to the SP (Network Management).

  3. Start the host console.
    -> start /HOST/console
    Are you sure you want to start /HOST/console (y/n)? y
    Serial console started.  To stop, type ESC (
  4. Press the Enter key.
    Oracle Linux Server release 6.6
    Kernel 4.0.4-15.el6uek.x86_64 on an x86_64
    hostname login: 
  5. Log in as the root user.
    hostname login: root
    Last login: Fri May 25 09:51:36 on ttyS0
    [root@hostname ~]# 

    The default password is changeme.

  6. Set the SCP IP address.
    [root@hostname ~]# nm3tool ipaddress SCP_IP_address|dhcp|ilom

    where SCP_IP_address is the IP address to be assigned to the SCP. Alternatively, you can configure IP address assignment by DHCP or Oracle ILOM. If you provide a static IP address, you will also need to provide the netmask and the IP address of the management network gateway. For example:

    [root@hostname ~]# nm3tool ipaddress
    Enter netmask:
    Enter default gateway:
    Restart network now? (Y/n)
  7. Restart the network to use the new values.
    Restart network now? (Y/n)Y
    Shutting down interface eth0:                              [  OK  ]
    Shutting down interface eth1:                              [  OK  ]
    Shutting down loopback interface:                          [  OK  ]
    Bringing up loopback interface:                            [  OK  ]
    Bringing up interface eth0:
    Determining IP information for eth0... done.
                                                               [  OK  ]
    Bringing up interface eth1:  Determining if ip address is already in use for device eth1...
                                                               [  OK  ]
    [root@hostname ~]#
  8. (Optional) Set the hostname.

    Provide the new host name. For example:

    [root@hostname ~]# nm3tool hostname hostname

    where hostname is the host name of the SCP. For example:

    [root@hostname ~]# nm3tool hostname hostwiththemost
    [root@hostname ~]#
  9. Apply the changes.
    [root@hostname ~]# nm3tool apply
    Setting network configuration from XML
    [root@hostname ~]#
  10. Log in to the SP through the management network.

    See Log In to the SP (Network Management).

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