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Exit Print View

Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Print (4)


Print - print a document


[file] Print(in mediaType contents,
in boolean inquisitive,
in boolean covert
[in title docName]);


Document and Media Exchange Message Sets                              Print(4)

       Print - print a document

       [file] Print(in mediaType contents,
                    in boolean inquisitive,
                    in boolean covert
                    [in title docName]);

       The  Print request causes the handler to print a document.  The handler
       must act as if the user had issued, (via the handler's user  interface)
       either  a ``Print One'' or ``Print...'' command, depending on the value
       of the inquisitive argument.

       The contents argument is the contents of the document.  If  this  argu-
       ment is unset (in other words, has a value of (char *)0), then the con-
       tents of the document are in the  file  named  in  the  message's  file
       attribute.   The  data type (mediaType) of the contents argument should
       be string, unless nulls are valid in the given  media  type,  in  which
       case the data type must be bytes.

       The inquisitive argument is a boolean value indicating whether the han-
       dler is allowed to block on user input while carrying out the  request.
       However,  even  if  inquisitive is True, the handler is not required to
       seek such input.

       The covert argument is a boolean value indicating whether  the  handler
       may make itself apparent to the user as it carries out the request.  If
       False, the recipient need not make itself apparent.

       If both the inquisitive argument and the covert argument are True,  the
       recipient should attempt to limit its presence to the minimum needed to
       receive any user input desired; for example, through iconification.

       The docName argument contains the name of the document.  If the docName
       argument is absent and the file attribute is set, the file name is con-
       sidered to be the title of the document.  This string would be suitable
       for display in a window title bar, for example.

       The  ttmedia_ptype_declare(3) function can be used to register for, and
       help process, this message.

       This message can be sent with the ttmedia_load(3) function.

       To print a PostScript document, the application can send a  request  of
       the form:

            Print(in PostScript contents,
                  in boolean inquisitive,
                  in boolean covert);

       with a first argument whose value is a vector of bytes such as:

            %!\n/inch {72 mul} def...

       The \n in the example represents the newline character.

       To print a PostScript document contained in a file, the application can
       send the Print request as above, with the file  attribute  set  to  the
       relevant file and with the value of the first argument not set.

       The ToolTalk service may return one of the following errors in process-
       ing the Print request:

                The file that was alleged to contain  the  document  does  not

                The  in-mode  contents  argument  had  no  value  and the file
                attribute of the message was not set.

                The document is not a valid instance of the media type.

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | library/tooltalk |
       |Stability      | Committed        |

       ttmedia_ptype_declare(3), ttmedia_load(3); Intro, Status requests.

ToolTalk 1.3                     1 March 1996                         Print(4)