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Oracle® MiniCluster S7-2 Installation Guide

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Updated: October 2021

Assign a Static IP Address to the NET MGT Port

  1. Verify that all the hardware cabling is complete, especially the 10GbE private network cabling.

    Part of the initial installation process uses the 10GbE private network to reassign the static IP address on compute node 2. Do not proceed with these instructions if you have not completed the 10GbE private network cabling procedure. See Connect the 10GbE Private Network.

  2. Power on the storage array and both compute nodes.

    See Powering On MiniCluster for the First Time.

  3. Connect to Oracle ILOM through the SER MGT port on compute node 1.

    See Connect the SER MGT Cable. Log in using the initial credentials (see Power On the Compute Nodes for the First Time). You only need to connect to Oracle ILOM on compute node 1, not compute node 2.

  4. Assign the Oracle ILOM host name to the service processor (SP) on compute node 1:
    -> set /SP hostname=hostname-ilom

    where hostname is the Oracle ILOM host name for the SP on compute node 1 that you entered into DNS in Preliminary Tasks, but without the domain name. For example, if you used mc2-n1-ilom.us.example.com for the DNS entry, enter this for this command:

    -> set /SP hostname=mc2-n1-ilom
  5. Set the SP to accept a static IP address.
    -> set /SP/network pendingipdiscovery=static
    Set 'pendingipdiscovery' to 'static'
  6. Set the IP address for the SP.
    -> set /SP/network pendingipaddress=service-processor-IPaddr
    Set 'pendingipaddress' to 'service-processor-IPaddr'

    where service-processor-IPaddr is the Oracle ILOM IP address for the SP on compute node 1 that you entered into DNS in Preliminary Tasks.

  7. Set the IP address for the SP gateway.
    -> set /SP/network pendingipgateway=gateway-IPaddr
    Set 'pendingipgateway' to 'gateway-IPaddr'

    where gateway-IPaddr is the gateway that you entered in the Initial Configuration tool or in the table in Preliminary Tasks.

  8. Set the netmask for the SP.
    -> set /SP/network pendingipnetmask=netmask
    Set 'pendingipnetmask' to 'netmask'

    where netmask is the netmask (subnet mask) that you entered in the Initial Configuration tool or in the table in Preliminary Tasks. The information that you provided for the subnet mask was in CIDR format. For example, if you used the CIDR format of 22 for the subnet mask, use for this command. See Provide Management Network Configuration Information for the table that provides the subnet mask to CIDR mapping.

  9. Verify that the parameters were set correctly.

    The code example shows parameters that have been set to convert an SP from a DHCP configuration to a static configuration.

    -> show /SP/network -display properties
           commitpending = (Cannot show property)
           dhcp_server_ip = none
           ipaddress = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
           ipdiscovery = dhcp
           ipgateway = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
           ipnetmask = 255.255.xxx.0
           macaddress = 00:21:28:6F:A7:BB
           managementport = /SYS/MB/SP/NETMGMT
           outofbandmacaddress = 00:21:28:xx:xx:xx
           pendingipaddress = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
           pendingipdiscovery = static
           pendingipgateway = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
           pendingipnetmask =
           pendingmanagementport = /SYS/MB/SP/NETMGMT
           sidebandmacaddress = 00:21:F8:xx:xx:xx
           state = enabled
  10. Commit the changes.
    set /SP/network commitpending=true
    Set 'commitpending' to 'true'
  11. Type the show /SP/network command again to verify that the parameters have been updated.

    The NET MGT port is now accessible.

  12. Log in to compute node 1.

    Go to Log In To Compute Node 1 (Oracle ILOM).