Once you have created and configured the data source files, run the appropriate data initialization script to import initial configuration data into the repositories. This data includes default solution classes, global field definitions, solution statuses, and UI Options, among other items.

Note: CIM runs the data import scripts. Refer to the Appendix D, ATG Service CIM Details for import information.

All scripts are located in <ATG10dir>/Service10.1/Service/install/scripts/import-scripts directory. Run the appropriate file to install the ATG Service data.

Note: The DYNAMO_HOME environment variable must be set before running import scripts. If the DYNAMO_HOME variable is not set, the script will attempt to find DYNAMO_HOME by looking for the startSQLRepository script in a directory relative to where these scripts are installed.

Data Initialization Script

Included Data



import-agent [-s servername]

This script imports all of the data needed for the agent platform repositories. The roles imported by the import-roles script must be imported before running this script.



import-agent-all [-s servername]

This script imports all of the data needed for the agent platform and application repositories. It first calls the import-roles script and then calls import-agent-platform and import-agent scripts.



import-agent-platform [-s

This script imports all of the data needed for the agent platform repositories. The roles imported by the import-roles script must be imported before running this script.



import-production [-s servername]

This script imports all of the data needed for the Knowledge Manager and Self Service production repositories. The agent roles do not need to be loaded before running this script.


This script imports all of the roles needed by subsequent import scripts and must be run before executing other agent import scripts as noted below with the exception noted below as well.



import-service-all [-a agent-server-name] [-p production-server-name

This script is provided as a convenience for loading both the Agent and Production data. It assumes that two server configurations have been setup, one for agent and one for production as noted above.

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