Every solution in Knowledge Manager is associated with an owning group. Owning groups define the ATG Service users who have access to read and edit a solution. If a user is assigned an organizational role for an organization that has been configured as an owning group, that user is a member of that owning group.

Solution view security for agents is controlled by three solution attributes:

The right to view a solution in Self Service (external users) is controlled by:

Users must be directly or indirectly granted an organizational role whose organization exactly matches the solution owning group. Granting the user an organizational role whose organization is either a parent or a child organization of the solution owning group organization does not grant the user permission to the solution.

Example: Solution Security

For this example, there exists a solution that has the owning group Support and is in the status In Draft. Members of the Support organization have access to the solution because their organization provides the owning group for the solution. However, a member of the support organization can see the solution only if they have been assigned an organizational role that gives them the status right to see solutions that are In Draft status. If the Support member does not have In Draft status access, they will be unable to see the solution despite having the correct owning group.

Members of other organizations, such as Everyone Internal, that have the organizational role that gives them the status right to see solutions that are In Draft status, yet do not have membership to the organization that provides the solution’s owning group, will not be able to see the solution.

To access this example’s solution, the user must be a member of the correct owning group, which is provided by being a member of the Support organization, as well as have the correct organizational role that provides the status right to view solutions In Draft status.

Note: In order for users to insert attachments and images in a solution, they must have the EPublishing EPub-User role. See Allowing Users to Upload Solution Attachments for more information.

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