You can use the following URL parameters to personalize your Self Service site for any user. Using URL parameters is particularly helpful when working with transient, or unregistered, user:

These parameters are passed in a URL so that a user is directed to the appropriate site, using the following syntax:

  1. For the first parameter, append to the URL a question mark (?) and the parameter with its value. For example:


  2. To add additional parameters, use the ampersand character (&). For example:


For information on creating parameters that are passed to a URL, refer to the ATG Page Developer's Guide.

Note: When a user access the site, the GlobalPageParametersFilter parameter looks for a page parameter entitled brand. If this parameter is present, it sets the brand property on the user profile. For a brand specific site to be displayed correctly for a logged in user, the brand parameter must be specified in the URL.

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