Perform a Research session from an external CRM application using Service Center Research page. To perform a search, pass in the external system name and the external ticket identification number. The values for these parameters are passed directly to the SearchFormHandler. See the ATG Search Administration Guide and the ATG Knowledge Manager Guide for Business Users. Once complete, Service Center Research page is displayed.

  • The op value must be set to initialSearch

  • The searchTextValues must be set to the string to search for

  • The login must be set to the same user name used to log in before issuing the http request

An example HTTP request to perform a search:

Note: The ticket must be set to a valid external ticket id and externalSystem must be set to a valid external CRM system name if the user would like the search to take place within the context of an existing ticket. The ATG ticket is located based on the external ticket and external system name.

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