It is possible to manually re-index profiles. By default, you can re-index using a date range or an ID.

The /atg/userprofiling/search/ProfileOutputConfig contains the manualIndexRequests property that includes:


Each of the ManualIndexRequests defines an RQL query that sets the criteria for the indexing request.

To manually re-index:

To review the profiles being indexed, enable the loggingDebug component in /atg/userprofiling/search/ProfileLiveDocumentSubmitter.

Customizing Manual Indexing

By default, manual re-indexing is configured to search for date ranges and IDs. However, you can customize the re-indexing process. To do this, you can define an RQL query, or write a customer class that implements the interface that is referenced by the class. For information on extending and working with the IndexingOutputConfig class, refer to the ATG Search Administration Guide.

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