Note: It is strongly suggested that you use CIM for installing and configuring these servers. Refer to the Appendix D, ATG Service CIM Details for information.

CIM creates the servers by performing the following steps:

  1. From the <ATG10dir>/home/bin directory on each server, run the makeDynamoServer command. The command should include the server name, and the RMI and DRP ports of the server. The default command is:

    makeDynamoServer Servername RMIport DRPport

    The following example uses the server name KnowledgeServer and uses the default RMI and DRP ports:

    makeDynamoServer KnowledgeServer 8860 8850

  2. Repeat the command to create the number of servers you have in your environment on each server with different ports.

    For example, if you are using Self Service with Search, create three servers for:

    • svcagent or the agent-facing server directory

    • svcadmin or the customer-facing server directory

    • svcsearch or the management server directory

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