A user must be assigned both of the following in order to view and work on solutions:

Solution task security is based on (Solution.owninggroup.org = user.orgRole.org) AND
 contains (StatusAccessRight["Allowed to perform task
in Proposal Draft"].status = Solution.status)). If a solution has been secured to a specific owning group
, a user must have the appropriate status rights for the solution’s owning group in order to view the solution. Appropriate status rights are granted by assigning the appropriate organizational roles (as opposed to global roles) to the user.

For example, Solution A is in the draft status but has no owning group. The Viewer-role is a Global Role that includes the View Solution in Draft right. Users must be assigned the Global View-role in order to access Solution A.

However, Solution B, which is also in the draft status, has been secured to Owning Group B. Any user who wants to view Solution B must have the Global Viewer-Role as well as the Organizational B-Viewer-Role, which grants the user the right to view a solution in draft status owned by Owning Group B.

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