Knowledge Manager solutions can include images or other documents in any statement field of the solution. You must configure Knowledge Manager and Self Service so that they can locate these attachments correctly if you have any of the following ATG configurations:

Note: You must configure both the Knowledge Manager, or agent-facing server and the Self Service, or customer-facing server, as shown in the following instructions.

Note: The attachment server and the Knowledge Manager server must be on different hosts or domains to avoid cookie conflict. This can be done using DNS or by modifying the client host file to assign a different machine name to be used for the PublishingWebAgent URL. If the attachment server and Knowledge Manager server share the same domain, the session cookie used when accessing the attachment server will overwrite the Knowledge Manager server session ID, creating a cookie conflict.

Note: If you do not have any of the configurations listed above, you do not need to configure Attachment Settings. Continue to the Initializing Attachment Folders section.

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