If the enableMigrateAttachments option in EserverMigrationService.properties is set to true (the default), all solution attachments are migrated. ATG looks through the solution for URLs that match the host specified in the attachmentHosts option.

Note: When migrating attachments, make sure that all servers listed in attachmentHosts are running and are available to the machine where migration is happening.

If migration encounters any invalid URLs, Migration Exceptions will be thrown and migration will stop. To disable this error checking, set the ignoreInvalidAttachmentURL option to true in EserverMigrationService.properties. Setting this option to true causes migration to ignore invalid attachment URLs and continue migrating valid attachments. To repair invalid attachment URLs, edit the solution after migration is complete.

Attachment files are stored in the directories specified in the /atg/svc/repository/service/util/
component, in its documentRootFolder and imageRootFolder properties, in a subdirectory called migrated. As each solution is processed, its attachments are stored in a subdirectory with the same name as the eServer solution prefix. For example, attachments for a solution with prefix “acctelco” will be stored in the following directories by default:

Migrated Attachments with Self Service

Migrated attachments become assets in the ATG versioned repository. You must also create matching document and image directories on the Self Service server where the Publishing Web Agent runs, so that the attachments can be deployed correctly:

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