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SPARC T5-8 Server Service Manual

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Updated: February 2019

Check for Faults

The fmadm faulty command displays the list of faults detected by PSH. You can run this command from either the host or through the Oracle ILOM fault management shell.

  1. Log in to Oracle ILOM.

    See Log In to Oracle ILOM (Service).

  2. Check for PSH-diagnosed faults.

    This example shows how to check for faults through the Oracle ILOM fault management shell.

    -> start /SP/faultmgmt/shell
    Are you sure you want to start /SP/faultmgmt/shell (y/n)? y
    faultmgmtsp> fmadm faulty
    ------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------- --------
    Time                UUID                                 msgid         Severity
    ------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------- --------
    2012-08-27/19:46:26 4ec16c8d-5cdb-c6ca-c949-e24d3637ef27 PCIEX-8000-8R Major
    Problem Status   : solved
    Diag Engine      : [unknown]
      Manufacturer   : Oracle Corporation
      Name           : SPARC T5-8
      Part_Number    : 12345678+11+1
      Serial_Number  : xxxxxxxxxx
    Suspect 1 of 1
      Fault class  : fault.io.pciex.device-interr-corr
      Certainty    : 100%
      Affects      : hc:///chassis=0/motherboard=0/cpuboard=0/chip=0/hostbridge=0/pciexrc=0
      Status       : faulted but still in service
         Status            : faulty
         Location          : /SYS/PM0
         Manufacturer      : Oracle Corporation
         Name              : TLA,PN,NRM,T5 1.2
         Part_Number       : 7061001
         Revision          : 01
         Serial_Number     : 465769T+12445102WR
            Manufacturer   : Oracle Corporation
            Name           : SPARC T5-8
            Part_Number    : 12345678+13+2
            Serial_Number  : xxxxxxxxxx
    Description : A fault has been diagnosed by the Host Operation System.
    Response    : The service required LED on the chassis and on the affected
                  FRU may be illuminated.
    Impact      : No SP impact
    Action      : Refer to the associated reference document at
                  http://support.oracle.com/msg/PCIEX-8000-8R for the latest
                  service procedures and policies regarding this diagnosis.

    In this example, a fault is displayed that includes these details:

    • Date and time of the fault (2012-08-27/19:46:26).
    • UUID (4e16c8d-5cdb-c6ca-c949-e24d3637ef27), which is unique to each fault.
    • Message identifier (PCIEX-8000-8R), which can be used to obtain additional fault information from Knowledge Base articles.
  3. Consider your next step:
    • If you are checking for faults while adding additional processor modules, and no faults were detected, return to Server Upgrade Process.
    • If a fault is detected, proceed to Step 4.
  4. Use the message ID to obtain more information about this type of fault.
    1. Obtain the message ID from console output.
    2. Go to https://support.oracle.com, and search on the message ID in the Knowledge tab.
  5. Follow the suggested actions to repair the fault.
  6. Determine your next step.

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