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SPARC T5-8 Server Service Manual

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Updated: February 2019

Verify the System Configuration PROM

  1. Ensure that you have completed the following:
  2. Verify that the banner display includes an Ethernet address and a host ID value.

    The Ethernet address and host ID values are read from the System Configuration PROM. Their presence in the banner verifies that the service processor and the host can read the System Configuration PROM.

    . . .
    SPARC T5-8, No Keyboard
    OpenBoot X.XX, 16256 MB memory available, Serial 
    #87304604.Ethernet address *:**:**:**:**:**, Host ID: ********
    . . .
  3. Log in to Oracle ILOM.

    See Log In to Oracle ILOM (Service).

  4. Start the faultmgmt shell.
    -> start SP/faultmgmt/shell
    Are you sure you want to start the faultmgmt shell (y/n)? y
  5. Use the fmadm faulty command to determine if the server is operating normally.
    • If a fault was detected, see Diagnostics Process.

    • If no fault was detected, the System Configuration PROM was installed successfully.

  6. For additional verification, run specific commands to display data stored in the System Configuration PROM.
    • Use the Oracle ILOM show command to display the MAC address:

      -> show /HOST macaddress
              macaddress = **:**:**:**:**:**
    • Use Oracle Solaris OS commands to display the hostid and Ethernet address:

      # hostid
      # ifconfig -a
      lo0: flags=2001000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4,VIRTUAL> mtu 8232
      index 1
              inet netmask ff000000
      igb0: flags=201004843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 2
              inet netmask fffffe00 broadcast
              ether *:**:**:**:**:**

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