To configure attachment deployment settings on your ATG Knowledge server:

  1. Choose the directories where you want to store your attachments. The default values are /svc/documents for documents and /svc/images for images.

  2. Configure your ATG Knowledge server so that your documents and images directories are served by ATG, not the Web server. These files are stored in the WWWFileSystem so that ATG can correctly resolve the paths to the latest checked-in versions of the files. See the ATG Installation and Configuration Guide for information on integrating your web application with HTTP servers.

  3. Use the ACC to open the /atg/svc/repository/service/util/AttachmentUtils component.

  4. Change the value of the documentRootFolder attribute from /svc/documents to the name of the directory you wish to use.

  5. Change the value of the imageRootFolder attribute from /svc/images to the name of the directory you wish to use.

  6. Save the changes to the live state, and start the component.

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