To import a Solution XML file into Knowledge:

  1. Start the Knowledge Repository Loader for externally published solution using the Service.RL module name in your Dynamo startup command:
    -m Service.RL

    To import solution that will not be published externally use the Service.RL.Internal module name in your Dynamo startup command:
    -m Service.RL.Internal

  2. Once the server is started, navigate to this page for the Repository Loader user interface:

    http://<hostname>:<port number>/rl

  3. Use the Repository Loader Administration User Interface to load the files included in the FileSystemMonitorService root path:

    <ATG2007.3dir>/Service2007.3/Service/RL/data :

    Note: When performing imports on Windows, use double backslashes (\\) as path separators.

  4. Set the number of files to handle in a single transaction. This value is specified in


    Setting the batch size -1 will make the loader handle the entire job in one transaction.
    Setting a batch size of 0 or 1 will make the loader treat each file as a separate transaction.

  5. Service.RL overrides the default Type mapper set in


    As such, do not load other type of items when running Service.RL or Service.RL.Internal unless they have been specified using manifest loading or the RMI Client method.

  6. Click the Create Job link.

  7. Set the Recurse Option to NO if there are no sub-directories.

  8. Click Add Files.

    This loads the files from the root path into the Knowledge as repository items. The Repository Loader Administration will then show the job as completed.

Once the data has been loaded, you will be able to go to the BCC and see one or more task depending on the batch size chosen.

The Knowledge Repository Loader provides an example of how to use the xml2repository feature to export the Solution in the form of an XML file. Open the following page in your browser:

http://<hostname>:<port number>/service-rl/solutionAsXml.jsp

This page prompts for a solution ID and outputs its as an XML file. Depending on your browser settings, you may have to view the resulting page as source in order to see the generated XML. The example displays the format used by the xml2repository system. Examine the XML format generated for a particular item descriptor if you want to generate compliant XML or write an XSL style sheet for the Repository Loader to apply before processing a file’s contents.

loading table of contents...