Each action in the action definitions file defines a partial page renderer (PPR) action with the following attributes:




The form handler bean to instantiate when the action is submitted


Enables debugging (set to either none or verbose)


The forwarding URL when an error occurs


The form handler method to invoke on the form handler bean when the action is submitted


The forwarding URL


The standard HTML form action

There are two kinds of action: panel internal actions and framework actions. A panel internal action is invoked by a panel to render parts of itself. A framework action should be invoked for any action that performs any of the following tasks:

A framework action has the following property values:

In addition, a framework action contains property definitions through caf:inputElement that specify which aspects of the framework are updated for the request. The following is an example:

<caf:inputElement property="nextStepsMenuId"
<caf:inputElement property="panelIds"
<caf:inputElement property="panelStackIds"
<caf:inputElement accessScript="FrameworkChangeTab('reportTab');"
<caf:inputElement property="treeTableIds"
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