Panel stack identifiers are defined in request-scoped variables in panelStackDefinitions.jsp. The contents of each panel stack are defined in request-scoped variables in panelDefinitions.jsp, which lists the panels contained by each panel stack. Each panel stack definition contains the following attributes:




The element identifier of the div tag in main.jsp within which to render the panel stack


The element identifier of the span tag in main.jsp within which to render the panel stack icon and title


The image URL of the icon to display in the panel stack header


The required unique identifier for the panel stack


The key identifying a localized string resource for the panel stack title

The panel stack definition contains a list of definitions for each panel contained in the panel stack. Each panel definition contains the following attributes:




The URL for generating the panel XHTML content for the panel


The URL containing JavaScript source code to evaluate after the panel rendering


The required unique identifier for the panel


The key identifying a localized string resource for the panel title

The panel is rendered using panelTemplate.jsp in templates. A panel has a container and a content area. Individual panel requests update the content area only. Panel stack requests update the container and content area. All non-framework user interface code for ATG Knowledge is contained in the panels. The panelTemplate.jsp page defines the following panel areas:

The panel contents are defined in JSP pages with the suffix Panel located in the /panels/ directory.

The next steps menus for a panel stack are defined in request-scoped variables in nextStepsDefinitions.jsp. Each next step menu definition contains the nextStepsMenuId, which is the required unique identifier of the next steps menu.

Note: Next steps are not available in ATG Self Service with Authoring.

The next steps menu definition contains a list of definitions for each next steps menu item contained in the next steps menu. Each next steps menu item definition contains the following attributes:




The identifier of a valid PPR action to invoke when the menu item is selected (the action may be either a panel internal action or a framework action)


The image URL of the icon to display with the next steps menu item


The key identifying a localized string resource for the menu item label


The required unique identifier of the next steps menu item

The next steps menus and next steps menu items are processed by a panel in nextStepsPanel.jsp. The nextStepsPanel.jsp page iterates through the menu items and separators in each menu and renders the links that execute the associated action.

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