For details on how to use RMI Client see Repository Loader RMI Client section of the Repository Loader chapter in the ATG Repository Guide.

The Repository Loader includes an RMI client you can use to submit manifests that identify the files you want to be loaded into the Service repository. This client is named RLClient.

  1. Run one of the scripts found in <ATG2007.3dir>/RL/bin/RLClient.bat|sh together with the following arguments:

    -m [manifestFilePath] -p [propertiesFilePath] -h [hostname] {-r [RMIPort]}

    -auth [username:password] {-s servicename]}

    Note: Ensure you have set your DYNAMO_HOME variable before running the script.

  2. You can optionally pass the address of a properties file as an argument to the RLClient containing additional parameters and hints to be used by the LoaderManager. The hints file could include the following:

    batchSize - The number of files to process in each transaction.

    For example:


    If no batch size is specified, the RLClient uses the LoaderManager defaultBatchSize property.

Dividing Files into Directories

When importing large amount of data you should break the data into batches. To do this, divide the files into directories. Though it is not required to have one directory per batch it is may be useful to organize the data and then specify the file names in the manifest file.

For example, create one batch:

  <add type-mapping="/atg/svc/rl/solutionTypeMapping">/main/Dynamo/
  <add type-mapping="/atg/svc/rl/solutionTypeMapping">/main/Dynamo/
  <add type-mapping="/atg/svc/rl/solutionTypeMapping">/main/Dynamo/
  <add type-mapping="/atg/svc/rl/solutionTypeMapping">/main/Dynamo/
  <add type-mapping="/atg/svc/rl/solutionTypeMapping">/main/Dynamo/

Then create a second batch:

  <add type-mapping="/atg/svc/rl/solutionTypeMapping">/main/Dynamo/
  <add type-mapping="/atg/svc/rl/solutionTypeMapping">/main/Dynamo/
  <add type-mapping="/atg/svc/rl/solutionTypeMapping">/main/Dynamo/
loading table of contents...