The frameworkFormHandler interface contains the following properties, which correspond to the properties contained by a framework action:




Property that identifies the next steps menu to render for the action


Array property that lists the panels to refresh for the action


Array property that lists the panel stacks to refresh for the action


Property that specifies a tab change for actions that require a tab change


Array property that lists the tree tables to refresh for the action

Any custom form handler that needs to perform framework-level actions should implement the frameworkFormHandler interface (or extend frameworkBaseFormHandler) and register itself in formHandlerDefinitions.jsp to become framework-enabled. The formHandlerDefinitions.jsp page performs the following tasks:

A framework-enabled form handler defines (or inherits) the following subsets of properties:

All framework actions are handled by framework.jsp, which should be identified in the successUrl attribute for any framework action. The framework.jsp page includes the following framework definitions:

loading table of contents...