ATG migrates eServer members into users and groups, and maps Named ACLs into user segments. A key step in migration is setting up ATG entities appropriately for your business, and mapping your eServer member properties to these new entities.

All eServer members must be mapped into either an ATG user or an ATG organization. These migration settings are specified in the eserver_migration_config.xml configuration file.

Note: All solution owner property values are migrated as either users or organizations, not both, depending on the value you specify in eserver_migration_config.xml. If some of your solutions have groups as owners and some have users as owners, then some of the solutions will be migrated with null owner values. For example, if you set fieldType="organization", then all solutions whose owner property is of type user end up with null values after migration. You need to manually assign the correct entity as the solution owning group after migration is complete.

Note: ATG user segments are created automatically during migration based on Named ACLs. See Migration and Security for more details.

In the following example, the value of the owner property is migrated into an ATG organization, while the value of the editor property is migrated into an ATG user. This reflects a choice that an organization (group of users) should own solutions in this solution class, while it is edited by just one user.

   <property tag="owner" fieldType="organization"/>
   <property tag="editor" fieldType="user"/>
Changing Migration Settings

You can change whether eServer members are migrated into ATG entities with the following EserverMigrationService settings. The default value for each of these is true, which causes new users or organizations to be created for each member name encountered during migration:

If you disable migration of users or groups, new ATG users and organizations will not be created and your solutions will have null values for the user/organization fields. If you disable user/group migration, but the property is a required property, then MigrationExceptions will be thrown. See Controlling Solution Validation for information on migration errors.

Migrating Solution Owning Groups

For each solution class, you should identify one eServer property as the owning group for solutions of that class, as shown in this example:

    <solutionClass tag="medical_solutions"

ATG organizations are created that match the value specified in this owningGroupProperty attribute. The owning group organization has full access rights to the solutions in that solution class.

See ATG Service Installation and Configuration Guide for more information on solution owning groups.

Mapping eServer Members to ATG Users

ATG migrates all users encountered during solution migration, including users referenced by incidents or found in member properties. ATG uses the following process to determine how to map users:

Note: Migration ignores the eServer Description, and Status attributes.

To repair any incorrect user migrations, see Troubleshooting Migration.

Mapping eServer Members to ATG Organizations

ATG migrates groups found in member properties during solution migration. ATG uses the following process to determine how to map members into organizations:

Note: Migration ignores all eServer group attributes except group ID and description.

Note: If a group has multiple parent groups, you should edit that group in eServer before migration to make sure it has only one parent group. ATG supports only one parentOrganization per organization. If migration encounters a group with multiple parent groups, a warning message is logged, and one of the parents is chosen to be the new parentOrganization.

To repair any incorrect organization migrations, see Troubleshooting Migration.

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