ATG solutions have an intrinsic field called language that represents the locale of the solution. You use the eserver_migration_config.xml file to map how your existing solution language settings correspond to new ATG language settings. ATG’s localization model is documented in the ATG Programming Guide

For each solution class you are migrating, you create a solutionLanguage tag in the XML file to specify language information:

    <solutionClass tag="medical_solutions"
        <solutionLanguage tag="language">
          <language old="US English" new="en_US"/>
          <language old="UK English" new="en_GB"/>
          <language old="Australian English" new="en"/>
          <language old="German" new="de"/>
          <language old="French" new="fr"/>
          <language old="Italian" new="it"/>
  • The solutionLanguage tag must contain the name of the eServer property used for language settings (tag=property_name). Each <language> tag maps a solution language into an ATG locale.

  • If you do not have a property in eServer to represent language settings, ATG migrates all your solutions with the language specified in the defaultLanguage solutionClass attribute.

  • The default language for all solution classes is en_US. To override this setting per solution class, use the defaultLanguage tag in the solutionClass tag.

  • If a solution uses a language property value that is not mapped, the value set in the solutionClass’s defaultLanguage attribute is used instead.

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