Oracle Fabric Interconnect Hardware User's Guide

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Updated: July 2016

Activate and Deactivate the ID LED

Note -  For information about the LED codes for the ID LED, see LED Codes — Fabric Interconnect Front Panel.

The ID LED can be controlled through software or through the ID button. To activate the ID LED, follow this procedure:

  1. Log in to the Oracle Fabric Interconnect that needs service.
  2. Activate the ID LED by issuing the set system id-led command. For example:
    set system id-led on

    When you issue this command, the amber ID LED illuminates. The service technician should be able to locate the Fabric Interconnect by looking for Fabric Interconnect with the glowing amber LED.

  3. When work on the Fabric Interconnect is finished, the technician can press the ID button to deactivate the ID LED.
  4. Verify that the ID LED has been deactivated by issuing the show chassis detail command. For example:
    admin@nerf [ovn] show chassis detail
    dn                       chassis
    descr                    nerf
    id                       1
    type                     chassisIb15Slot
    model-num                XC1DH41ZZZ-1
    part-num                 705-00005-01
    part-num-major           01
    part-num-minor           05
    assembly-id              715-00005-01
    assembly-id-major        01
    assembly-id-minor        05
    serial-num               050610240
    manufacture-date         01-03-2006
    mac-addr                 00:13:97:01:80:00
    mac-addr-mask            12
    wwn                      50:01:39:70:00:00:80:00
    wwn-mask                 12
    locator-led-on           false
    num-of-io-slots          15
    phone-home               true
    phone-home-notification  false
    strip-private            true
    snd-alarms               true
    customer-name            Customer XYZ
    contact-phone-nums       800 111 2222, 333 333 3333
    httpproxy-host           ubb
    httpproxy-user           proxyuser1
    httpproxy-password       passproxy
    httpproxy-port           3128
    phone-home-frequency     weekly
    1 record displayed

    In this example, the bold text highlights the current state of the ID LED. True indicates that the LED is on (illuminated), and false indicates that the LED is off (dark).

  5. If the LED is on (the locator-led-on parameter shows true), deactivate it when the service call is completed. For example:
    set system id-led off