Once you have created a site you can start to create associations between rules and sites. Associating a rule with a site is the means of instructing Engagement Engine to evaluate a rule on a particular site in accordance with the rule definition. You must associate a rule with a site and then publish the site before a rule is in effect on that site. Full instructions on how to associate a rule with a site can be found in Chapter 3 – Using Engagement Engine Editor.

There is no limit to the number of rules that can be associated with a particular site. Once more than one rule has been associated with a site, then the evaluation order of the rules becomes important. You can change the evaluation order of all rules associated with a site – full instructions on how to change the rule evaluation order on a site can be found in Chapter 3 – Using Engagement Engine Editor. Rules are initially evaluated according to their evaluation order. So, a rule with an evaluation order value of 1 is evaluated before a rule with an evaluation order value of 2. A rule can be configured with an action that stops further rules being processed on the current page, so it is important to consider the evaluation order of rules when deploying them to a site.

When you associate a rule with a site, the evaluation order automatically defaults to the highest possible value. You can change the evaluation order value of all of the rules associated with a site. If you change the evaluation order value of a rule, the evaluation orders of any other affected rules are automatically updated. For example, if the evaluation order of a rule defaults to 6 when you associate the rule with a site, and you change the value to a 2, then the rules with evaluation order values of 2, 3, 4, and 5 will automatically update to values of 3, 4, 5, and 6 respectively.

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